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This comment section is as active as ever just popping back and saying hi belated happy valentine's 

I've seen your profile pic somewhere before... 
Also belated Happy Valentines~

in ML? if i'm not wrong

Yes! So it is you. LOL

Your profile is from Blith right?

I remember that is the milk tea guy

yeah kinda into him lol

not a patreon, too broke to buy it, whats happening...



okay nevermind its just a (anti piracy) reminder, UGHH I WANT THE ANDERS DAY 8 UPDATE 😭


That is lol hahahahahahah

You really thought so.... Hahhahaa

I can imagine your expression, a fast mood swing.

Hey but there's an info about the update in that post >:(



Will the Lars special episode eventually come out to the public?

Who knows? We'll see in the future~


nope its for the patreon only


my poor wallet.... but the special episode was just too good.
my soul is weak but, my dick is hard


I turned 27 today, I don't know how to feel about that. 😅😅😅

Anyway, happy Valentines day everyone. 😃😃😃


Happy birthday

Thank you Debie 😃😃😃


Happy birthday 👁️👄👁️💅 (Also What was the cake? (Chocolate, Strawberry?) I want to know this infos.)

Its confetti cake. 😃😃😃


A salty cake hehehehe

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Is that what you eat yesterday??

I served that yesterday....... 

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Cakes my red line


Happy birthday and also happy Valentine's day as well

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Happy birthday~


Embrace the old, i say.


Im curious about the character sprites of 7th & 8th main characters. Will they come first or Sumeru first? Hmm i wonder since both will take some time. 


LOL! Actually, 8th main character has been revealed in Special Episode, completely with his character sprites. 7th main character will be on the works once we're done with the sprites we need for Gil's Episode.


*GASP* dear me, i didn't expect a reply from the legend himself! 

Thanks for the infos. 


Haha, no problem. Venti rules.


New update in this month???  Wowwww niceeeee!!!


I love to be part of patreon guys.. Hyss but dam it i cant affort  really missed the special part of the story.. However walter characters reflect me in my real life characteristics hhhha. I don't know adny peng know me in personal.. Hhhha just a kidding 

I have also learn more good things in the story.. Hyss

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Apparently, I missed a lot. And Andy himself arrived at the scene as well to professionally address the issue ;3 (also hi andy)

Also a very late happy valentines day to everyone~


Glad that Andy has properly addressed the issue, and also... Happy valentine~~

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Hi Frovillis!

Also I quite literally arrived at the scene, it's in the Special Episode. 


this is godsend, the author himself acknowledged my existence ;w;

you did and boy oh boy, i wouldnt mind another tiger in the afcl universe 🥺

the special episode is lit asf 


the patreon is so worth it


Stop making it sound so good 😩

Extra files


Bruh we literally just talked on Discord last night LOL

yep hehehe

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Its really a updtate of public version or only a message from the creator? for now...

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Thank you!

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For now, only a somewhat lengthy message from me, but soon an update.

Ok! Thanks for the work.



Hey-ho, sea-dwellers! - After Class by Andy Peng (

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ummm... I've been absent for like two days and want to ask what's going.

If you guys are talking about leaks, well let me tell you something (cuz I think it's time)

There is this one guy on TikTok, he's teaching his followers how to get after class which is good, but one day, he stepped on the line, he posted a photo/video that containing a photo of the after class characters, at first it was just a simple video but when you look at the comments, everyone is saying 'THANK YOU" cuz the creator pinned a comment, it's pinned link, and the link contain leaks like this:

This one is a "game play" of lars special episode.

The creator of this VN should put some restrictions on his/her Patreon (like; anti screen record) this is alarming, and most of that guys followers are malaysian.

I tried to threat him in comments but everyone got mad at me, now I can't find any of his videos and also his acc, I think I got blocked.


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I forgot, and also I got blocked, I can't find him anymore, what I remember is; walterly is his name (not really sure)

I have a tiktok account maybe i can find it

Err i can't find it either

Sorry, I can't give you the right name or @ cuz I forgot

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that's all I remember

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Heheheh we're ok now heheheh

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Happy valentines every, keep safe always guyss love you all 

Love you too 💕


Me and jash, celebrate happy valentines to you all! 

happy valentine's too!



playing after class reminds me that i'm single asf. I wish mark exists at least. Happy valentine's day

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I want to see you guys kiss 😘😘

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do it!!

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cuz we di- I mean we haven't yet


Uhhhh.. To whoever posted that CG.. why? just why? the Patron supporters paid for it, and you just posted it like it was a CG everyone can see.. If a comment moderator was here, and if they decide to turn off the comments for AFTCL, I don't think there'll be another good comment section like this. So please, delete it or just crop it? Because it's not fair.


I agree with you. I know this feel. Feeling of wasting your money. Seriously the 3rd worst feeling I've ever had.

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I'm not even in the Patreon and I'm also mad myself because of it, like... GUHHH!! People can really be that clueless sometimes D: I HATE spoilers! On top of it, it's absolutely unfair to the Patreons who has paid to see it...

Deleted 2 years ago
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A lot uh stuff happend

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okay 1 day before the update hehehe 


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wait ?! an update ??!😳

um its for patreon only the special episode


guess i don't have the choice

👁👄👁 💸💸💸

Heyy andy pengggg.. Weee waannnnnnnt mooooorrree DAYYYYSS in this game's i misss my walter with his bf LARS, hhhe but plsssss huhuhuhuu i begging you.... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Have patience. Good things come to those who wait. And besides, he also has life outside After Class.

So just be patient :)

I see kinda sad but i hope he in a good day always.. 😊


I'm a non-patreon reader. Don't spoil major event from the patreon post please...😭😭😭 Let me wait for updates in peace 😩 instead of spoiling why not stream 'Bop Bop!' by VIVIZ?

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This comment section is probably going to end up like FBTW page once Andy arrives here; disabled to prevent exclusive content from getting leaked to public.

Which is why I don't want to happen because I'll miss you guys ;-;

This is dumb to ask and probably wont make sense but do any of you know how to 
"Be interested in a game" 
i dont know. but after i played or finished Gil, Lars, and Mark route's. I was playing parker route but after some days i just stopped playing . If you're curious my last save on parker's route was on Jan 21st

Idk how to "be interested in a game" after playing it 3 times, same to me, although my first 3 route was Mr. Parker, Lars and Gil. If you are bored just play another vn, i have a list but idk if you can find them interesting but heres the list anyway


•Remember The Flowers

•Far Beyond The World


•Tavern Of Spear


Pardon my English grammar, English isnt my other tongue. By the way those vn's are Furry vn

sorry i didnt made sense but thanks for understanding and thanks for the list of the games i'll try them sometime

Hey, why tho? 😞😧😕

im not sure why but i just lost interest in this game so im asking if there is a way to get "interested" or "have a feeling" to play this game again and to continue the stories for these characters 

BE GAY AF AND SIMP ONE (or a few) OF THE CHARACTERS 💅 If you're already gay, then bathe yourself in more rainbows and Lars' coconut milk lol

No, but seriously, it's normally the story and/or the characters (or in some people's cases, the... intimate scenes) that makes you engrossed to it. If you can't find any interest, let alone enjoy the story, then I can't find any other explaination other than that particular VN is not for you.

But if you did enjoyed the story but don't have the same energy as we have in simping the characters, then you don't have to. Just... live in the moment, you know?

Hope this helps uwu

hehe yeah it helped, thanks
I do like the story but dont have the same energy

Im frustrated waiting the another updated of this Game ughhhhhhh... 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Okay 2 more days for the update on playful lion kinda excited rn


2 more days for me to avail more parcels, hehehe that is more exciting, too many deals, discounts, limited items, so on and forth.


OMFG just read the special episode for lars and wow i have no words.

i loved it it was funny and cute, just wow, brilliant work.

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IKR ;-; i was thinking of joining patreon to read the special episode, and i just see a spoiler D: 

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No don't listen to Jash in this instance we can be allowed this, but only this!! 😅😅😂😂

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Well when you put that way I suppose its kinda unfair...

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Bruh why did you post this? This is supposed to be Patreon exclusive. It's kinda unfair to peeps who actually supported and paid to experience this. I am asking politely to remove this. :((

I don't want to be a party pooper, but someone needs to moderate this comment section. It's gotten unstable to the point that most comments are off topic, but thirst traps are allowed as long as they're heavily cropped out of context, just like how me and Jash did it.

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This feels reaaaaally illegal.

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pwede naman ibigay yan kung sino may gusto kekekekeke

Privately yes, but this is a public comment section so its pretty unfair for those who actually paid to view the content...

I mean yung Patreon Ver my bad

Ahh I see I see

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ayaw mo ng free whahahaha char

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What is going on with this visual novel


I hate when stories go on hiatus

Don't worry it's not hiatus or anything there probably busy

Nothing too much...


Anyone wanna play with me in ML? , (im weak i hope its alright) my id is 43018732 


*friend request sent*

*accept* im lagging badly hopes its alright with you :]

Can I have you too??

I mean your IGN

You already in my friends

your name is???

This is another secret


*Request sent*


dude i thought we were gonna play😥

Same, I was prepared at 4 or 5 but he said he had something goin on, anyways yeah I don't know.

Family business he said

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I really need to attend, hindi panga kami tapus ehh, I mean uwian na if you guys are still up to 12, we can still make it.

Carry me again~

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Beh, I donzolweta mo rin ako.

A what?

Donzolweta!! Yung magsasalulubong tayo at bubuhatin mo ako

Nalalabuan paden ako, pero if game paguusapan mukhang may bumubuhat na sayo eh~~

I'll add you


Can i join too?my ID is 810922570


what is you IGN sir?



I'm still a beginner in english, sorry if i make mistakes.

So I just started this game 3 days ago, I played it all the time during these days and still playing actually and it's verry good. I'm literraly in love of MARC and Gil, yeah sounds weird maybe but i really like their personaliies.

 All characters look so realistic. I have a lot of positive things i want to say about this masterpiece, i really love it but is that good to have feelings for fictionnal character ?


I gotta say, Andy's intention of making you fall in love in his characters is working. In fact, all VNs intend to do that, so it's pretty normal to fall in love with these characters.

I fell in love with Lars the moment I saw After Class. So don't feel like an outcast, everyone simps here lol

Deleted 2 years ago
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Try to root the route of lars (aka BIG KITTY)

And hey!! I love mark too!! We're besties now.

Deleted 2 years ago

I finally got my bestie here!!!!


haha nice to meet you, Hope that we'll gonna be very good friends


I love you my friend!!


It's fine. I really love gil, lars and parker too.


Same i fucking love gil, am prob to obsessed with him


same here. I fall in love with spencer of extracurricular activities too. The best husbando ever


I love gil and mark aswell i love them so much, alltho i prefer gil 


I am a Chinese, but this does not prevent me from loving this game. In fact, there are also many people in China who like to play this game. I love lars very much.

Nǐ hǎo

My ancestors are Chinese (my grandpa is Chinese), I'm business minded but I entered med school.

I was expected to learn "Mandarin" cuz my grandpa was planning to expand his business and I was pick to communicate with Chinese people.

Any tips for me?? I really don't know where to start, I really need your help RN.

Well. In China, At first, we learn initials and finals and memorize them in combination with related Chinese characters. Tone may be a big difficulty for foreigners. You can watch some Chinese videos and feel the beauty of Chinese.Because my university major is clinical medicine, I may not be able to give you professional advice. I am sorry for this.

medicine is an Asian thing (lol), and you don't have to be sorry, it's not your fault after all..... You still leave a tip for me tho..... 

Well yeah, I find it too difficult for us non-native/foreigners, I don't even know how to twist this tongue.

Well .Just like the hero's emotional career in the game, nothing is smooth sailing.As long as you practice hard, you will definitely make progress.We call it as 勤能补拙.I hope you can overcome the difficulty of tone.

I really hope so, TY for making my fire bigger.


Is public ver dead or somewhat?

Just wait.... Blessings will cum soon.

I wonder when "soon" is..

But then Again you told to wait.

Beh!! Mag online ka mamaya?? May chika ako beh!!!!


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Kaya mo 4 or 5?? Sama daw si harv.


I thought my week is going to be romantic, joyful, full of smile, but it wasn't. 

My 3 years 1/2 was full of lies.

Thanks to this community, chatting with you makes me feel so light, the heaviness breaks down.

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So does that mean he lied to you?

That sad but it's better to the know truth than later, i know it hurts and you just need someone to talk to but know this that i will listen to those problem's of yours and give you some advise

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laro tayo mamaya pwede??? Gusto ko ilabas hinanakit ko.

Magpaka marites ka later

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gg hahaha ano oras gusto bigay ko sayo acc ko sa facebook para mas madali na communication (kung gusto mo lang nmn)😁

no na, pero mga 10 pwede???


You've finally come to terms with the fact that I'm not your daddy or step daddy.

I'll still call you daddy ☺️☺️☺️.

That's why I can call you "Little Bottom for Canadians" hehe. In short, I can say LBC.

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Canadians are huge (you know what I mean), I can't handle it.

But still!!! You are my daddy!!!

I'll add SANE too.

Dude sane is like the dad of everyone here lol

So you mean you looked at the teacher's thing?

Oh? What's this?

Deleted 2 years ago

Oh ummm...

Does this game have a discord server? If there is, can I get a link so I can join, thanks!

They do, but it's patreon exclusive...


Ahh I see, fair enough 

If you look in there message history you will find it.

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do you have the link to the public fan server? 

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I would gladly like to be apart of that server if possible too though

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Why does it say invite invalid? T_T

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Cara muito bom jogo, a história do Anders quase me fez chora muito bom, por favor pense na possibilidade da continuação da história de Anders com o protagonista juntos

Só aguardar... a história está praticamente no início

im still waiting for the update on playful lion

( ◜‿◝ )♡

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feb 14 i see mwhehehe thank you jash

(✿ ♡‿♡)

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Ahh shit valentine's day

Sana all excited

ahh no dude magiging cupid nmn ako para sa mga  best friend ko nakakatamad na tlga sana all nag cecelebrate 

When is the next update??

it's a mystery :( we are all wondering about that

mid February?

It's so niceeee!

So happy to read this kekekeke.

Tell us your reaction after reading it. ;)

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bahala kayo dyan basta wild daddy Lars nyo

Before I go any further with this vn to clear this up. The only routes that have anything remotely sexual are gill and mark right?

There is a sexual situation in Lars' and Parker's route as well if you follow the guide properly. Also, there is a little bit in Anders' route iirc

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