Public version fix and limited time purchase.

Greetings, everyone, andeh here! Dropping some news here: As I wrote in the game page, we're going on a hiatus starting the end of November, indefinitely, due to personal reasons. 

What happens then? Yep, as you've guessed, there will be no update next month until we're back. But don't worry, it doesn't mean goodbye forever, I just need to take a break from this project for a while and we'll be back soon, I promise.

There's some update to the public version, mainly error fixes, JPEG error, file not found, etc etc.

Oh! Speaking of updates, our Patreon is still up until November 30, 11:59PM GMT+7. Before then, you can still pledge for as little as $3, grab the game and not worry about additional payment for next month since it'll be paused next month. If somehow, you can't pledge on my Patreon, here's some good news:

Day 7 (up to Anders route) is available for a limited time on! Grab it while it's hot!

You'll get Episode Mark 1, Mark day 7, and Anders day 7, with complete CGs. I know they are not as popular as the others, but I promise you, it's worth it ;w;

ahem, although the only downside to this is that you don't get error fixes, if there's any, and that it's $2 more than pledging on Patreon...


I think that's all I want to say here, as always, thanks for reading!

Files 552 MB
Nov 16, 2020 570 MB
Nov 16, 2020 585 MB
Nov 16, 2020
After Class / Windows-Linux 743 MB
Version Itch-v0.7.00-3i Nov 16, 2020
After Class / MacOS 738 MB
Version Itch-v0.7.00-3i Nov 16, 2020
After Class / Android 761 MB
Version Itch-v0.7.00-3i Nov 16, 2020

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Well its been about 100 days since they went hiatus like im legit dying for more gil 😭😭😭

This VN rock! 👍

(1 edit)

Stay safe.


OMG THANK YOU ANDY FINALLY MARK'S ROUTE GETS UPDATED THANK YOU SO MUCH AND also have a nice break and be safe always thank you for creating the game! :)

What do u mean with limited time? Will day 7 never be able of anders route


Mark is actually popular and a lot of us are REALLY excited for it so if you'll excuse me, I AM GETTING IT


Great work! I hope you're doing fine.
Mark is my favorite so I hope all characters get their deserved attention even if they're not so popular.
Take care and stay safe!

(4 edits) (+2)

Hope everything gets solved with no problems and yeah take your time, everyone needs vacations from time to time to relax and feel better. 
Specially devs around, a lot of you seem work too much sometimes. 

But please do come back ok? it would be sad if this became another great project that died...