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You wrote a character who has, multiple times, SEXUALLY HARASSED the main character. I don't think I have to explain why this is bad. Also, consent is really REALLY important which obviously isn't inside the mind of the writer. I am enjoying the game, but I just really REALLY don't want to support a writer who doesn't mind having a MAIN-CHARACTER who is potentially either a rapist or someone who sexually harasses others.


I highly agree, and that's not even acknowledging the fact it's been happening since the Main Character was in high school. It isn't just sexual harassment. It is also pedophilia, and teacher-student relationships, which is illegal in a good amount of countries. 


I think the whole consent part is a bit blurred here. Whenever there is a teacher/student archetype in these stories of course it’s going to be a risky topic because of the implied abuse of power. 

That being said. I think calling a 25 year old hitting on an 18 year old doesn’t make them a pedo. 

Oh, the main character was 18?
I guess I should've read the story better then. Sorry about that.


I think when it comes to visual novels, there's certain morals /ethics that kinda get tossed out the window. it's a fantasy right? I mean, I don't know about you but there are no hot beast men in my city... In some of the other games I've played - there's way more issues with relationship/power dynamics that I definitely wouldn't be ok with *cough*DOZER*cough...

While age of consent differs from country to country, we pretty much all can agree that a teacher hitting on someone in high school isn't very good. Also, considering that the MC is 18 and it was said it was going for a few years which isn't very good. And, in the case where 'morals/ethics get tossed out the window' doesn't happen in many of the visual novels I've played, only this one. And it just doesn't settle right with me. If you've played a game where stuff like this happening with minors by a legal adult then maybe you should question the developer. I am also aware the age of consent in Japan (where I believe this takes place, correct me if I'm wrong) is 13, it still doesn't really make it right from a world viewpoint. 13 is young. Too young. I don't really know what I'm saying right now, sorry if this is hard to read or make sense of, I kinda jump between topics a lot and I'm sorry. Anyway, have a great day!

Also, your note about Dozer - EA is a great game, but I can't see why you make that comment. He is actually a sweet heart.

Yeah, I guess some morals do get thrown away.
But I don't think sexual harassment shouldn't be one of those.
Overage or not.

Also, I've never heard of Dozer, what is it?

Deleted 3 years ago

Hi! That's not what this is about. I'm concerned about the writers POV on sexual harassment with minors which is a serious issue. Thanks!

Are you sure it was sexual harassment ? 

Yes. It has been mentioned a lot. Please take a look into Gil's route if you haven't already. Have a great day!

(1 edit)

So, I've been through Gil's route. I don't think it is sexual harassment. MC is clearly enjoying himself. I think he feels conflicted because of the Teacher/student relationship, and possibly homophobic, stigmata he could get, He states, multiple times,  that he enjoys the touching, so it is not unwanted/unwelcome physical contact. And Gil says he was just joking in high school. We also haven't seen everything since the route isn't completed yet, and we aren't shown all of MC's feelings and thoughts. One may get the feeling that MC doesn't have consent because he constantly tries to stop gil from touching him, but I think the writer is trying to show it IMPLICITLY that MC is indeed okay with it. Plus we don't entirely know society's norms and views on sensitive topics for sure in the universe of this game. These are all my personal impressions of the game and gil's route. I hope this helps.

Hey! It doesn't matter if someone is enjoying them self or not - sexual harassment is sexual harassment. That's like saying "The millennial wanted to die - they enjoyed it - so its not murder." And, given with what I've played thru, MC doesnt seem to mind what others think about him being gay. Again - if MC enjoyed themselves it still is sexual harassment given no consent. There is no consent stated. And, if you threatened to rape/murder etc someone over months and you went to court about it and said "it was a joke!"your not going to get off scott free. It still happened. While, yes the route isn't finished yet, the stuff that is out is what we should focus on. Because its available. We haven't been told that he has given consent. Thats mainly what I'm focused on. MC doesn't want Gil touching him. No consent there. Sexual harassment. It doesn't matter about the morals of that universe - because the writer is from here. Earth. Not the fictional world. And I'm gonna take a fat guess and say rape wouldn't be OK in this world. And if it IS ok, then the developer needs a moral check. Thanks!


The writing in this game needs a massive overhaul, mind my language but fucking hell why is it so bland and plain, every sentence is just so awkward and weird, not to mention you don't show us a lot of conversations between characters which makes ever single interactions soooooo god damn boring, and the character don't get me started on the that. This game HAS potential but right now it's just a mess, not a big mess just a mess.

P.S I don't hate the game (entirely) and I don't want to offend anyone. The art and backgrounds are nice , just the writing makes me want to throw phone across the room.


I'm actually having a ton of difficulty understanding this. Could you give a few examples? I just can't remember a time when I thought the same thing. There's been plenty of times where i've thought the opposite instead, never once thinking that a character was some sort of cliche in the way that there's your typical tsundere in anime or your every day Mary Sue in books. There's a certain scenario that I thought of as cliche, but even then, I figured that it was only cliche because there was no other way that scenario could've, or should've, gone. The scenario that I'm think about is from Gil's route, where Walter gets frusterated from practicing at the park. I'll have to play through the routes again to get a better analysis, but I'd love to hear further explanation.


I can't really explain it very clearly but here's goes there's a lot of moments where there should be like a conversation to help flesh put the character make them seem more realistic but then it just said "we talked a little and go", that frustrates me because of how much of them there are and I just feels like lazy writing. The characters are interesting why not take time to make the player understand and like them more. 

The dialogue is also every lackluster and definitely needs that extra twerking. 

I don't hate the game I just don't like the writing which makes it hard to like the characters.


I feel like that might be because the routes only have about 5-7 days in them (depending on patreon or not). This is technically Walter's first time meeting all of them, where as most visual novels have their characters as already established friends, or just have a lot of time skipped (Adastra), so they have a lot more groundwork to do for themselves. The only one that isn't a complete stranger is Gil, who Walter had actively avoided for the most part in highschool anyways. What character developement there is are more like hints, not life changing revelations. It's waaay too soon for that anyways. Gotta get invested in the characters before they start talking about their childhood traumas. 

I feel like it also might be dependant on just how into the story you can get. Which depends on personal opinion.

I'm curious as to whether or not you have a specific visual novel in mind when you talk about good dialogue. What would you say is a good example of a game who does dialogue well?


A few of the ones I've has some pretty good dialogue, my personal favorites are Tennis Ace and Password. Both do an amazing job of building character and make you genuinely like them flaws and all, especially Tennis Ace.

Those were the ones I had in mind too actually. I think it might have to do with how the other characters actively interact with eachother rather than just talking to the protagonist. Allows a lot more options and opportunities to show different sides of characters. Even after Tennis Ace's prologue/Yuuchi route, the dialogue between just Yuuichi and whoever you pick is still pretty good (although I still struggle to play any route other than Shuichi's. Guilt intensifies every time he comes on screen.)

I very much look forward to Password's development. Murder mysteries are my favorite genre and I went three days doing nothing but just playing Password.

I think Repeat also does fairly well, although it IS a bit of a mess. It's not so much consistent as much as it's funny and interesting to me. I love the concept of the wishes and what type of tragic back stories the characters have.


Maybe if you want something that's faster paced, try Extracurricular Activities. 

I think the pacing in this game is done quite well so far, and there's a pretty decent structure in the writing so that the paths and events have consistency. 

I agree some moments just throws structure and consistency out the window. The pacing is also a mess sometimes it just throws things at you and sometimes it's "what the what is happening?"

I have played EA longgggg before I even try this game out and I don't really thing the pacing is that fast but not slow either maybe somewhere in the middle.

I’ve played a couple of other games like Nekojishi and EA pretty heavily so those are my only real frame of reference here:

I think it depends on the characters you go for, the pacing has to vary according to .. how “hot and heavy” they are for you (for lack of a better term) some are more prone to it because of their implied history and character. I won’t spoil anything in case you haven’t played the other routes yet. But certain characters can get extremely high ratings with you by the end of the 6th day while some others, not as much given their personality.   And yes, this is totally my take on the game. I haven’t interviewed Andy or anything lol. 

All things considered I really think Andy is doing a solid job with the structure/direction/plot with these characters. I think it also helps he has an editor(s?) Because not to throw shade but there are some serious writing gaps in the other games I’ve played... and I wish I could help them out.

Also I’m totally open to hear any recommendations you’d have for something with more consistency/pacing and or structure. I need new games to play at work haha!

Tennis Ace definitely Tennis Ace loveable characters, great writing and I can gush about the game for hours if I can. Also Password is great too if you want to check it out.

thanks for the recommendations. totally checking them out.


I never expected the main character to be this f***ing hot o.o

He is so hot and he acts pretty cute, the perfect kind of guy <3


haha they really took some time for the new update...

almost 3 months..

the game is being updated monthly in the patreon version. i dont know why they arent updating the public one but oh well... the official accounts last tweet was on march as well


yah.. maybe it's because of the virus that they can't take priority of the pub. build

(1 edit)

Update 6.2 (the current public update) is Mr. Parker day 6.

This day was already up

Im confused abit, is only lars's day 6 for public only, and the others are for Patron only, Pls help me ;-; 

It just updated three days ago.Anway,I have the same problem with Lars day7 XD

Wait 7 days lars?, i think public version only 6 days :v

Omg, actually I'm not the only one with Lars day 7 problem! The history is going amazing! 

Btw, bro ur VN is amazing! Hope u can finish it soon! Take care uwu.

Deleted 3 years ago

day 7 is not out

(1 edit) (+4)

Heeeey I already play this public update but for some reason in the 7 day with Lars apparear a error in the beginning of the day, please fix that


This game is the best of the genre.

The history and the characters are so well done, every route is different and you can fell that your choices matters and actually have impact.

This game ( yet not the complete game) is incredible. I want to thanks to the developers for making such a amazing game, is so well done that i don't have words to describe.

And please, if you have money, donate to the developers, i have seen a lot of amazing games like this die because of lack of money. Please support this amazing game.

Deleted post
(1 edit)

I saw Andy had a poll for Day7 on patreon,so will it be released next month?

they posted new public version

where? i can't see the update

its 6.20

Okay so like...I came back to the game because it's that good, and I noticed that the changelog says that Mark's Day 6 was added. I replayed his route and it stopped at day five. C u r i o u s . It also says that the Lars CG was added, but apparently it's Patron only? I just wanna be clear on this stuff so I won't lose my mind or something. :) Also where it says Progress in the About section, I only had 62%...not sure what this is...plz help...Thank you (insert developers) for such a great novel!

I only know that the Lars Cg is in Patron Version so far. Progression is you try to find all the communication you have with others so with different options you will most likely have new dialoug

(1 edit)

Hey, Im just curious but before I clicked on the Link to go to this game and it said it updated 24 days ago and im not sure if thats for the public version for the free verison or the patron version.  If anyone knows anything about the free version please info me this game is really good and Im really Interested in the story...

Is there any sex scenes?

Not yet


i would want to join discord grp as well


Loved the damn Visual Novel. It does touch my heart, i enjoyed my time reading with this over and over, sincerely one of the best VNs to have! hope to have the next update on Coach Gil! XD

Love this game,but it haven't finished yet :(

I cant wait for the finished product, is there any way to know how much it would cost??


so, I just found out about this game and.. my only question is, how do you play it exactly? like, I've seen people go into the story even more further, while apparently I was doing the "prologue" the whole entire time. someone please help me out, the story got me really interested ;(

(1 edit) (+1)

Basically, you need to please one of the characters depending on the route you're taking.

 The routes are unlocked by being nice to specific characters, you need to lend you pen to mark to be able to choose his route, for example.

You'll decide which route you want to take when you are in your bathroom ( at the beginning of the second day, i guess ), after that you just need to be kind, gentle and remember important things they say, so you shouldn't open something that you don't have permission, don't bring unhealty food for someone that only eat healthy food, etc.

I hope it was helpful :)


thanks for replying! but what I meant (I was specific enough lol) is, how do I get more further with the game/story? like I just found out that I’ve been playing the prologue the whole entire time and the game basically ends, and I’ve seen people get even further while I’m just stuck there (not sure if I made it make sense)  and I just want to know how I can make even more progress? 


It depends on the route youre taking, each character has a different amount of updated days, if you know what i mean? I hope this could help you

(1 edit) (+2)

Yeah! I somehow misread it lol,, but I totally understand! thank you!

No prob  :D

I'm sorry that I didn't understand at first. I supposed you were talking about the literal prologue of the history, which is when Walter gets to know each character available in the game, so he can choose later who he liked more from the ones he showed signs of interest. I guess that the game ends if you were rude to everyone.

Since it's not that, I guess that you are having trouble getting further in the route. The latest free version of the game is the 0.6.10, so every route, except for the Lars' one, has at least 4 days (the first day doesn't count since you're only getting to know the guys).

That being said, you should at least reach the 5th day, unless you're taking the Lars' route. My tips to get further are the ones I've said before. You can also save the game before some decisions so you can go back if something goes wrong.

I bet you're already beating the game by now, but my commentary will still be here to help you. :)


thanks so much! I had the same problem understanding how to get further into the story   


Taking a while for the next update


When next update???


When is the next update so far???

i finished all the routes in less than 2 weeks and have bee waiting patiently for the changes.

I can only say its probs sometime in March?

Dont think so X,,,,C

Well, Andy said it will be hold until he get back to work.


SO upset that durling 5 hour play,i have not get any cg...BTW l love lars forever


Maybe Lars' CG hasn't been uploaded correctly to the last public update.I succeeded unlocking it in pc version from Patreon.And that CG  isn't a sex scene after all(😏).It's a good idea to wait for the next version

I really love After class so i would like to know when the next public update would be coming out?


has anyone unlocked the cg yet?If yes what conditions should we fulfill to get it?

You need to be a Patron if you want to unlock the first CG.

(1 edit)

Can anyone tell me how to unlock the CG of Lars??? I've been playing it for more than an hour but still no luck...

You need to be a Patron if you want to unlock the first CG.

look forward to


how do you activate the episodes? they still show up grey on the menu

i tried everything so far and i cant activate them either...maybe im missing something but idk what that is

You need to be a Patron if you want to unlock the episode Lars.


I can't get to Lars's CG even though i had tried all options help plssssssssssssssss


Spent 2 hours going through every choices but only 70% progress how? HELP MEEEEEEEEEEE

you can get that CG in Lar's episode

The access to those hidden plots is on the lower left corner of the title screen

(1 edit) (+1)

You mean those 5 grey icons?

Okay soooo i tried again in Lars's episode and managed to get the progress up to 75% but still no luck with the CG :( still im gonna keep trying cause i WANT TO GET THAT CG 

Anyway thanks for the help!


Uhm I'm on the mobile but i tried to touch those gray icons but it's not working? Is there any requirements for those?

You need to be a Patron if you want to unlock the CG

Why can't I download half of it?Why can't I download half of it?

So I'm doing Gil's route is there any fixes for the button portion when you're cooking with him on day 4? Mine either doesn't enter the button or brings up a different screen for some reason. 



另外tiger lars第六天剧情中晚餐时餐厅的背景图丢失 显示错误image is not found

It would be cool if andreas route(he's my fav so far) when we tell him that we like him he',ll be shocked and then before he could answer we run away embarassed hoping that we didn't ruin our friendship. And we may try 2 avoid him because of how embarrased we are.








Deleted 4 years ago




我空间还有很多 就是下到一半了他的就不了有时候更少霞到百分之20多就不下了搞得我现在头都疼了




download not starting 那个右下角的按钮点一下然后里面又有个按钮点一下下载就会快很多



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