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So when's the next update???

Read his Patreon posts, he explains more there. 

Why in pattern? 😭

Hmmm... any news why there is no new update yet? the author hiatus/ the work did not cont.? or there is  just patron update now? :<

i hope doesn't hangin like butterfly dream it's kinda devastating :<


read the post made on pateron

ahh '-' there is no news feed before, hmm... maybe i did not pay attention before?


Has the day 7 of the route of lars?


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May i know anyone else's route currently has reached day 6th, please?

what do mean? day 6 each og bois?

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yep, nvm i already know that only Lars's and Parker's route reached day 6th 

Sorry for that i confused you haha english is not my mother's tongue language 😅 and i kinda wrote that comment in the early morning *my brain doesn't work so well in the morning* so i kinda made so many grammatically mistakes lol

Do you have a Discord? out of curiosity 

It's closed due to some jerk and only open for patrons

Ok even though I scroll through the comments thinking why it ended at day 7, i never thought that I was going in to Lars path, i was gonna ask why it ended there but it was because Lars path is still not updated.... I was freaking out why it ended there...

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Okay I just got done playing the game four times now with Coach Gil making different choices  and I have yet to find the touchy-touchy  ending  at this point I'm starting to think there is no touchy feely ending I've even tried to find a guide and I can't find anything and I figured that if there is an ending like this someone else would have found it by now, I have played hard to get I have played easy to get and then I played a little bit of both and then I tried it again making different choices with a little bit of both

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On the fifth day of Gil, when the map option comes out, don’t go to the playground, go directly home, and then you will meet Mark. After that do "feel awful" and pick up the phone after that go to playground and tell gil you like him and "admit". Finally when gil comes at your house , choose “Make a joke” when talking to him and enjoy the touchy ending. 

Deleted 4 years ago
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Okay I'm sorry but that did not help me either because  on day five I chose to go directly home you meet mark on day 5  and then later on he calls you and you choose to hang out with him or go straight to bed  going straight to bed just ends day 5 and day 6 never happens  choosing to go to the playground with him gets him to come home with you but nothing happens and there was never  a make a joke option  in the playthrough this Choice also ends day 5 with day Six never happening. I tried playing around with your hint though to see if I could get it to happen but on other playthroughs never did I ever find a make a joke option.


I decided to play the route again,I did the touchy ending a while ago and got some things wrong first I forgot there was no day 6 ,so I'm going to be more precise about the choices you have to make. On day five don't go to the playground just go home ,you will meet mark after that choose to feel awful after that pick up the phone and go to playground with gil then say you like him and admit after that you will come back home and then you can make a joke and you will get the touchy ending.

okay I think I had the touchy-feely ending is whenever he grab you and pins you down to the couch and said he's going to make you do more laps right? Did I finally get it?

i have a problem at day 7 in Lars path TwT

day 7 is not yet release

yeah i realized i was being dumb lol when i read other comments below XD

 thanks for responding anyway XD

I can't seem to find this music ... Does anyone know where?

Someone else also asked but I couldn't find it either


if you still want it, here it is:

you still remember lol, i already recorded it when i got my new phone but still thanks ❤️

where do i find the link to After class discord?


The discord closed for public after they had some trouble with *ssholes

ah... that's a bummer to hear... Thanks for letting me know Luceus!

there is another discord, but from my understanding it's on the patreon.

No it's the same discord ,like I said it got closed to public but is still accessible for patreons

ah. Gotcha. Yeah I’m on it. For what it’s worth. There’s not much being missed 

public version is dead? there are no new content since febuary. 

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there hasn't been a dev log since febuary yes but its still updating you just to look at the version number after you download 0.6.20 is parker day 6 and some of ep lars


okay quick question.

Did anybody else have a problem with Lars Day 7? Cause it started the intro for each day and a soon as it ended this popped up.

P.S. this vn is a-maz-ing! especially coach gil ;)

i dont think day 7 lars is out for public

I had finished his day six and it started the day seven intro and i was like what the hell?!?! And the problem popped up and i freaked.

oh thats why okay now i feel dumb commenting on here

Day 7 isn‘t released for public if u are playing on public. 

its really weird because the game was trying to pull up day 7 scripts even though it wasnt there

whatever though :(

it's a game error. day 7 isn't finished.

Deleted 3 years ago

Yeah I thought the game hadn't updated since February due to a lack of Devlogs. I hope we get them again soon.

It said it was updated 2 days it for patreon or public?

what was added in this update?

What are this 2 Endings from Anders? I got this one where he wants to draw my 'likeness'.

Have someone Love Points with Mark?? The only Points I got was 54 Friendship Points with him. If u do how u got it?

Nope we can't get love points for now, but maybe in day 6.........?

Yea the only points I have gotten were 54 Friendship as well hopefully 6 day comes out soon and get a chance to get love points there

Anyone know where this song can be found?

If you still want it:

Deleted 4 years ago

Not yet but it should be updated next month and who knows if it's gonna be Gil or Anders or Mark since their day 6 aren't release for public yet

Deleted 4 years ago

They are released in the same order than the patreon version so yes the next day is coach gil day6.

When will it come out?

Probably at the beginning of next month but i'm not sure

(3 edits) (+1)

What does he mean with touchy, touchy, in the last day with Coach Gil, he sleptover thats all. Have somebody triggered the touchy touchy version of the last day and if yes what happened I must know. I have with him 3 Love Points & 47 Friendship Points. 

I also had no iders.Maybe because I'm a Chinese ∑( ̄□ ̄)

Gil第五天的时候,那个地图选项出来时别选去操场,直接回家,然后会遇到Mark,后面剧情略有不同但是选项应该很好选,最后那个选项选“Make a joke”,然后你就能看到那段剧情了(ฅ´ω`ฅ)。






啊这,做饭那块实际上中间停顿的时候有一段QTE,注意得点了之后饭才能做成功,是和地图上的那种选项一样的ui(此处能够得到1点,奇怪的是目前公开版本似乎得不到这点,我晚上回去验证一下给你答复),make a joke选项之后其实就是那段剧情,要说touch的话实际上就是gil逗了你一下=.=,剧情略有不同而已(ฅ´ω`ฅ)。




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Deleted 4 years ago

Hey, in the day5 when you see a map with the options about where to go, just go home (don't go to the playground), then you will see Mark and the options next will be different. 

Finally you will get 4 love points and the plot will be a little different. 

BTW, in the last option, you must choose "Make a joke", then you'll see the touchy touchy part. : )

(Sorry if you don't understand what I mean, English is not my mother tongue.)

it all depends on what you do on day 4... I got 60ish friendship points and 5 love points.  By the end of day 6. 

Anybody knows on which day will be the new update released? 

Anders maybe ?

Don't really know but for day 6 we have anders mark and gil left then i suppose it will go through day 7 etc...

BTW sorry for my english i'm a french guy ;D

The next one is the day 6 of coach gil and for the release date ,updates usually come every month if there is no problems.

Deleted 4 years ago

the server isn't public anymore



I want to ask,how to romance coach Gil?

Even i have played it,but I'm just not sure whether i chose all the best answers.

Can someone help me?

(My mother tongue is not English,so I'll feel really  sorry if u guys can't understand what i meant XD)


1st day you go to the gym and choose the 2nd option

2nd day in shower choose the option with Gil

Then your on Gil's route ;D

I already knew about how to get start to Gil s route XD.I just want to know how to increase the love points properly.Maybe the“ Walkthrough”?Which helps me making decisions.(I really don't know if my grammar is wrong or not😔 ) Anyway,thx for replying me.I really appreciate it (Will i act too werid?Why i have this though hmm...Just excuse me hahaha😉)
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Well first of all my bad cuz i didn't quite catch the meaning of your question but not because your grammar is wrong haha i'm a french guy so please don't be mad at me~ 

Then to answer properly this time (i really hope so) :

  • You should see in gil's character menu the count of 'like' and 'love' point. Starting from day 2 try to choose all the different options and see if the like point increase or decrease (towards the end of day 4 pay attention to the points and a pleasent thing should start ;D). 
  • It will take some time of course and there might be one or two tricky options but overall it's not difficult. I did it this way and ended up with 49 like points and 5 love points at the end of day 5. I don't know if that's the highest you can go but i couldn't so......yeah.
  • Doing it this way might be wierd cuz you roll back to max out the points, but you can do it by guessing what Gil like the most : he's a coach to begin with so he like things that coaches like (that's wierd to say but idk how to say it otherwise :p).

With that i really hope it can help you out and if it doesn't then i can hide in a cave with a bear to wash my shame (oh hi there mr. Parker hehe...........) cuz i would not answer you question right for the 2nd time and..... kill me if that happens pls :D

Have a good day/night/time playing After Class/idk what ur' doin but have fun ;)

PS : I hope that my grammar is not wrong btw :)

PS 2 : here's a proof from my save with gil for the points



Ohohohoh,thank u verrrry much for took your time typing so much for me!!I even fall in love to u!(alright that's fake.hahahaha)

I'll never kill u even if these suggestions are useless😉

Actually I'm a Chinese,i can't understand well about English.So the most important reason why I'm going to play AFCL is to improve my English 

But i really really appreciate the help from u~

I don't  know how to express my gratitude.I'll read it carefully when i have time:P 

Thank you again<3

Oh,by the way.since I've heard the large number of patients with corona virus all over the world,are your country s situation well?

Wish u and ur family are healthy and safety,and don't forget to wear the mask in public~

PS:I've checked many times,maybe there won't be many grammar mistakes.okok I've told too much.


Hey there 

I'm happy you care about our health, we are fine were we are (cuz we're kinda parano for that matter), we are not confined anymore but i still can't go to work until june if things goes well 😔.... My sanity is getting crazyer every day but i still manage haha (THX VISUAL NOVELS FOR EXISTING !!!!). 

I hope you do well yourself wherever you are 😉

Oh and playing that kind of game is a very good way to learn english in my opinion. I'm french but i find it very easy to understand the conversations between the characters and the "thinking part" of Walter (because he like to talk to himself very often) as well as the overall story and explanations.

I probably should stop commenting because i'm taking over the comment section sorry everyone hehe :p    BE SAFE AND WASH YOUR HANDS


Can i ask what happened to the updates in this game? Don't get me wrong i will wait forever for this update, hell i will wait for years but i was just questioning. Is the Creator ok or is this game canceled? 

Oh, the game had been updated not long ago, but they didn't update the log....

(Sorry, my English is not so good, could you understand what I mean?)

Oh they updated this game? Which character did they update?

(Btw your english is fine. I understood everything.

It's Parker's day6

anyone ever thought abt how we'll be here for years before any of the routes gets finished lmao


"we can be friends forever"


Is it just me? Bc I can't seem to have the new update for parker, it still 0.6.10 for me


6.2 was updated but the develog hasn't been updated

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btw is it just me or my mac just don't want to load the 7th day for Lars

if so can someone help me out with this problem

that’s an error. Day 7 isn’t released yet. 

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you should just join their patreon already ;)

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I mean why not? I’m already paying for it. Sure. ;)

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hahaha yeah I’m too outspoken to be like the main character. 

Hey guys..can anybody tell me which character is updated next for this month?😅...


Okok...thanks dude

is the indonesian language is not available in android version? in the language option there are indonesian language but i can't click it.

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I love how into this you are. Lol I’m the same but I had to pull myself away after doing all the routes. I got an 81% and made myself walk away. 

I think the way it’s set up, after the shower scene on day 2, your path is fixed?

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if you look at your menu screen (right click) you should see which 'bae path' (lol) you're on. So if you had a fun shower scene to Parker,.... it SHOULD still be Parker who is on the menu screen at the top. 

Here's something else that I noticed, in each of the route's there's always one other character that acts as a secondary character - I don't know if you'll be able to romance them at all, but they definitely come in 2nd place to the main person by day 6.

I think in Parker's route, Mark pops up quite a bit and his affection rating could go up to 20 something by day 6 -but parker's should at least be double that by day 6.

I've played this game way too much apparently. 

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On the first day you meet every love interest. But you have to say the right thing to them in order for them to be an option in the shower the next day. 

Once you choose someone in the shower... then that’s it! You’re stuck with them haha

When you mean the 7th and 8th character do you mean the sub characters?

hah I’d be down with mark and Gil. 

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Hahahahahahahahahahaha yes... 

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uh oh. 🙂😇

U r really cute,to some extent😂

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haha the sparkle is supposed to be the necklace. You can see what it looks like when you look at the mc’s profile pic. He’s holding it on a chain.

In the game trailer there’s an explanation that there’s 6 wayfinder compasses and that whoever has them will have their fates intertwined regardless of their distance.

And yeah I got that ? Mark glitch too. It seemed to happen only when I fast forwarded scenes a lot. 

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Yeah after I cleared the demo I looked all over the game page for info lol. 

How to unlock Lars in the gallery?

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Hi guys! I’ve been playing After Class for a while now and got to the end of day 6 with my character hitting on Mr. Parker, but it seems that’s the end of it. I only get to play one day as Lars but I would like to continue with the main story. Is this a demo version or is there more to see? If so, how do I do it?

Thanks in advance! 

BTW, I love the story!

this is a demo, its updated monthly with 1 day per update. it gives each route the same day in a round and it wont advance to the next day until every character gets the latest one (idk if u can understand that, englishs not my best).

So, basically, I just have to play every route by choosing my ''crush'' at the beginning of day two?
What about the HEADS at the bottom of the screen? I could play one day as Lars, but the other characters are locked.

You can choose if you want to play every route in the game (specially now that we're on a public build hiatus lol) but what I meant is that the developers are updating the story of the game giving a single route a specific dayper update.

For example: Imagine they just added Lars day 7 but the rest of the routes stop at day 6, now for the next months they'll update the 7th day to all of the possible routes separately (Beginning month: Lars day 7, one month later: Gil day 7, two months later: Parker day 7, three months later: Mark day 7, etc.) and once every route has their own 7th day, just then we'll move on to day 8 and continue this cycle until the story ends at day 14. 

About the heads at the bottom... those are special episodes (not tied to main story) waiting to be added to the public version!

Thank you so much for the help Tazzz!


Deleted 3 years ago

How do you get to play the Gil’s route? Thanks in advance


unlike the other routes, to get gils one you have to choose the second option, not the first

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What do u mean by that? i don't know how to find the second option..can u show me plz? And Gil's day 6 isn't out for public yet right?😅

When you first meet him, when he gropes your shoulder - you have to say "that's embarrassing!"

tip: right click the screen before and after saying something. you can check the affection rating for each character that is an option. 



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