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Ive first played this vn in 2022 and alot has changed, but i have to admit i have never read any other vns that was this good. I wish i could read this vn the first time

Try remember the flowers, the first 1-3 chapters might be a little shitty but chapter 5-17 made me want to stab my eyes out and cry all my tears out


The music is glitching out.. like it gets loud out of nowhere like it's an analog horror thingy 😭 weird bug.. anyone here that does the same thing?

Well, I don't know which part that is (and I forgot which route) but that is intentional if I remember correctly.


Wait wasn't Lars Day 12 supposed to be out with this update?

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Andy Could you answer me if there is another way to make a donation? I don't have PayPal and I don't like using cards. Because of this, there are no other ways to help with a donation, to contribute to the project that is being developed.

- Oh, my English is not very fluent, there may be mistakes in my writing.


Logan should have his own route


Reading through the comments and not seeing any of the husbear Parker.. He needs more love!! #BearSupremacy


I need more. I also wish there were more "spicy" scenes. hehe


Do my eyes deceive me, or are there new dialog sprites for each route?


How do I get the "secret" parts of the story to activate again? I was playing through Gils route day 11 and there was some text that showed up, but I thought I missed something so I rolled back. Now that text isn't showing up anymore and something completely different happens instead.. I thought maybe it was a random number generator sort of thing but I've loaded my save and rolled back multiple times, like, a LOT of times, and its not showing back up..

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Those "secret parts" are some one-time events that can only happen once during a normal gameplay. Once you encounter these scenes for the first time, the game will automatically disable from your files the possibility to see them again. So the only way to rewatch these parts is by actually deleting all your data from this game in your device, which means restarting the game with nothing. Or maybe you could find some videos / screenshots in the Internet also but not sure.

Do they change the storyline at all? Or is it just some "flavor text" basically?


More like flavor texts yeah, it doesn't affect the storyline at all

Uhh did they added gill route day 11 part 3?


yes it was added last update.

Ohh well thank you for telling mee :3

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Hey guys.  I want to know the last update . What is it about

  in Andy patreon or Discord cause next month . I gonna be a membership

*If the info can't tell in public it's ok

ok i see it alr in patreon


how do I delete pc game data?


Delete the files in C:\Users\[your pc name]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy

Gonna ask guys. How to delete the game data? I wanted to do it all over again as if I'm just new here.

delete the  app


Done, and Still there.


I don't know if it's the same for PC and or Mac but Android have a red X to delete save data when you go into load


That is available to all. But what I mean is that to delete all game files in pc so that when i play the same route again, I can't skip the dialogues.

Delete the files in C:\Users\[your pc name]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy


hey guys i found this while playing on  Lars route. Im not sure if its made to show exactly on that day or its a chance thing to get but if there is something i can do here that might impact the story or whatever please tell me!


it’s for that day. after the first time you do it, it’ll change. Dunno if it has any impact tho


Okay, thank you for telling me







does anyone else feel like the "giant of harusu" thing is a set up for another event?


I think giant of Harusu is a reference from another Japanese visual novel called "Lagoon Lounge".

yeah, I discovered that after commenting, but thanks for saying nonetheless

I thought after the update I will see the image that Gil sent to the MC on the conversation on the phone but it's still missing... 



very good vn my the way i love it 🥰






logged in for the first time in like months to say this exact same thing lmfaoao


lmfao 😂


Can I ask a silly question? I'm curious to know how many coach hearts you guys have scored.


Hey, can I ask you how you got 32 hearts from Coach Gil? I could only get 24. It's weird that I'm here now, right? But I was just wondering. If you could tell me, I'd be happy to help. I'm sorry if it bothered you too much. (I'm not very good at English, if I do something wrong or type something wrong, please forgive me.  )

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130+ heh 


I would really love to know what happened in the main story (Walter's), beyond the stories of each character. All your possible partners know what happened but I feel so excluded and treated like a child, they don't tell you the truth and they hide things from you and that intrigues me even more, that's why I love this game and I would wait a thousand years to know the whole story. Thanks for sharing this great story.

have you played the characters' special episodes?


I have a question. Is there a way to get Mark's password from Mark's 6 person car?



I'll be here, returning to simp over my husband Lars Dearmer. My dear, the love of my life, my husbando~~~


May I ask?
Why am I returning to the title screen with Mark's Route when trying to have a bad relationship on the second day


I hope Wilfred's route comes out as soon as possible


Great news! Andy Peng said in his Patreon post that it is now the main focus of development. Let's just wait a month or two for the next update.


Is Wilfred a character you can't directly target?


The developer may not have a route for Wilfred for now, but maybe in the future, since he is one of the main guys in VN.

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dumb spoiler question








trying to figure out what it means by number generator and the document doesn't really help for me, I might just be slow in the head but what was supposed to happen?

this is how i understood it, SPOILER-ish answer














basically... after THAT warning the program will likely randomly generate a number and then compare that number to a value within the program... if its lesser then itll make Walter's Dad appear and stop you from going to the train with Samuel... if it passed the check... then youll get into the train with Samuel

okay so I'm just lucky-

Gil in this update… 😭❤️❤️❤️


Please don't. I can't handle it. And I am still paranoid about the OTE on day 11.

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The way gil won’t get an answer for another 2 years 😔

Also, i never got that ote? Dunno how that happened.

Maybe your luck didn't come? Or chose to wait at the bench.

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I was initially hesitant to check this game out because the cover art isn't really my style, but now I've seen the characters and can't wait. P.S. OMG they're all so sexy, I don't know who I'm going to get with first

Might be last build spoiler so ...








I'm sorry but how did Walter know about Coach Gill's mother fate again? Did I miss something? QwQ


Did you go to Ternae?

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yes but I didn't notice Coach mention anything about this because he said he doesn't want to talk about how did she pass away or perhaps I really miss something? ;; 


Yep, you skipped a dialogue. He did tell Walter how his mother died, but only on Day 11. I won't tell how his mother died since it is a bit heavy of a topic.

Thank you! I'll reread it again then \o/


Thank you again! I finally got the answer after replay the whole route again!!! I didn't get it on my first playthrough ( perhaps the relationship points too low) but walter still know how did coach's mother pass away so I was confused. Maybe writing mistake! 

So... Are we going to talk about Coach Gil's route on Day 11?

Why is there a one-time event during the train scene when returning from Ternae to Highwell?


There are many scenes that are only played once in the game. They make the game more mysterious 🙀 

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I know. I know. It's just that the theory of Walter having a second personality has become more evident. Damn, is approach the right choice?



















Okay so I was in this scene where Walter and Gil are in an alley confronting some thugs, that's when Walter thinks something similar to "if only I could kill them...". The problem is that with the mouse wheel I returned the dialogue and I don't know how long that moment was supposed to last, and now I don't know how to read that part again. Is there something I can do for it to appear again?

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I tried to return to it multiple times but didn't see that part again. But it's more like giving more depth to Walter's past and his personality, which can fill the gaps most theories have been filling.


So like , changelogs say that Anders day 11 has been added but when i access my latest save from anders' route , it stops at day 9? Is day 11 just patron only still?? Im using mobile if that somehow changes anything. I really need help


I love the doraemon reference in the game 🤣


Let's be honest y'all who wanted Alfred for the next route after what happened Wowowee ☝



aaaaaaaaa how nice!!!!终于更新了!!



hay alguna forma de quitar escenas nsfw?





Omg Andy updated, thank the lord

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