Do public updates usually come out after ~2-4 months after the Patreon release or does it only happen sometimes due to some unexpected problems? Is there a set update schedule? (Just wanna know when can we approximately expect Lars Day 9 and other updates to release publicly)
After checking a bit, maybe? We do gain something when taking to him in some routes. I do not know if he will be Dateable, but I hope we can at least become friends with him. He does need some friends.
Guys, Gil and T the Lars mainline (the shark) did some mysterious things, and now many people are arguing about it😂I think it's just a misunderstanding I don't know why no one here is talking about this, but I will believe Gil (that's it. It's already early in the morning. I should go to sleep. Ha ha)
No one's talking about it because Lars day 9 is only out for patrons right now. I feel like people should try to avoid discussing patreon spoilers here until said content is made public, since this is the public page.
Gil was surely having sex with Talbot in that room... It's not about you believe Gil or not, it's just like...him. In his route, I can tell he would do...things with Walter if Talbot wasn't there...
I'm not so sure. He's actually still a virgin as of day 7 (this is revealed on Gil day 7 if you don't sit with him on the bus iirc). Would he really lose his virginity to Talbot of all people, who he seems to have no romantic/sexual interest in whatsoever in the other routes? Maybe since Lars is his ex he's extra jealous of him and Walter, but idk. It's possible they were kissing or something, but I very highly doubt it was sex. Or it could even be a red herring and Walter misinterpreted things and it was just an argument.
Please discuss the spoiler privately please. This page is for public build player, not all of us is happy with spoilers ok? This is one MAJOR SPOILERS???
you know I really hope the next update doesn't make me delete my data 4 the game because I really don't like QuickTime events I know it can't be helped but the Gilbert QuickTime events are ridiculous really hard it is hard to believe but Mark used to my Canon route but now it's Gilbert for sure followed by Parker close second Anders and Lars tied for third LOL
Usually, after I finished a route of a VN, I don't want to take other routes because I'm too fond of that character. But, this VN makes me curious what really happened to the main character we played (Walter)
So far, I just finished Parker's latest day and here my summary: all of the main characters were friends in the past. But because an incident, Walter lost his memory and the others decided to forgot the incident. The story is when they gathering together and tried to not bring up the incident around Walter that doesn't remember anything.
I also still curious the last unrevealed date-able character
I recommend ya to play Mark route and his episode next...You will have a fuller view of this game...about the past and the future of Walter...maybe the true ending, i guess?
It seems that everyone's ninth day hasn't come out. Lars' ninth day seems to have been updated. Gil's is next. Mr. Parker's seems to have no information yet
I feel like the Lars's special episode is the true ending of this game...Something serious will happen, relate to Mark and Herbert...Atleast, Walter and Mark still friends, although they not as close as before...
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Do public updates usually come out after ~2-4 months after the Patreon release or does it only happen sometimes due to some unexpected problems? Is there a set update schedule?
(Just wanna know when can we approximately expect Lars Day 9 and other updates to release publicly)
Can't install the game no matter how hard i try💀💀
After checking a bit, maybe? We do gain something when taking to him in some routes. I do not know if he will be Dateable, but I hope we can at least become friends with him. He does need some friends.
Wilfred has already a route tho but its on WIP lmao
que mas me gusto es que yo era el prota y me enamoraba de lars pero solo llega hasta el día 8 espero que salgan más días no puedo esperar así 😭
It pains, it hurts, it's terrifying, I feel so f*king despair just reading Byron/Anders episode :(
Too. It hurts.
I guess for me, it did not affect me at all… I guess reading the other projects of The Echo Project team, made it less difficult for me to take it in.
Still, I do feel that feeling of about to trow up.
I also feel bad for him after knowing his past.
when will episode 9 of my character come out? or at least there will be?
Guys, Gil and T the Lars mainline (the shark) did some mysterious things, and now many people are arguing about it😂I think it's just a misunderstanding I don't know why no one here is talking about this, but I will believe Gil (that's it. It's already early in the morning. I should go to sleep. Ha ha)
No one's talking about it because Lars day 9 is only out for patrons right now. I feel like people should try to avoid discussing patreon spoilers here until said content is made public, since this is the public page.
Oh, I see~~
Gil was surely having sex with Talbot in that room... It's not about you believe Gil or not, it's just like...him. In his route, I can tell he would do...things with Walter if Talbot wasn't there...
I'm not so sure. He's actually still a virgin as of day 7 (this is revealed on Gil day 7 if you don't sit with him on the bus iirc). Would he really lose his virginity to Talbot of all people, who he seems to have no romantic/sexual interest in whatsoever in the other routes? Maybe since Lars is his ex he's extra jealous of him and Walter, but idk. It's possible they were kissing or something, but I very highly doubt it was sex. Or it could even be a red herring and Walter misinterpreted things and it was just an argument.
!! Man, you're right
Why can't I find this paragraph? Do you have a screenshot?
Okay, but if Talbot hadn't bothered, something would have happened What a pity
I recomend on ussing a SPOILER warning C: ! Specialy if it is for Patreon content.
Please discuss the spoiler privately please. This page is for public build player, not all of us is happy with spoilers ok? This is one MAJOR SPOILERS???
sorry,I will pay attention to these in the future
Does anyone have a latest guide?
Just ignore it, bud
this happens when your old save file is too old since some things have changed, like the implementation of Wilfred's character.
is there anywhere where i can read the known lore of this game
Sometimes I hope Matpat made a video on youtube about the lore of this game and predict Walter's past or something 😩
Please ask Mr. Parker to come to my home and help me with my English
*slap ur face* :3
How many cg/s is it have?
This update might be my favorite so far! Nice work!
Finally, face reveal....
Omg that's so nice!,even the gym owner got a face reveal too
Indeed, and his name is Ren
Wait, why I'm screenshot right at that sentences?!
Guess because we are very thirsty?
It's still waaaaays long enough to get there.
We're already get one tough. It's in the gallery
Did he also appears before the update? He's from Parker's route
He already appears on Parkers Day 8 before the update
Well, he just a side character
To tell you the truth, I don't like him👿
Why, though? Did he appears in Anders or Mark which I haven't take yet?
I don't know ~ I feel that the new role is very different from the previous role
You mean, he may not the part of Walter's forgotten friends?
I just don't think he even plays the same game as other people. I don't know why 😂 Maybe I'm not used to it
Yasss new update
Wish Tora to be a dateable character in the future~
You never know, Tora did have an increase of affinity on day 7~
does anyone have the latest guide for this game
Torahiro wasn't romanceable option in original Morenatsu (if I remember correctly) so I think that's why he's wasn't dating Hiroyuki in After Class.
Yes an update! But damn, I cannot play it soon. too many college activities that I have to do. Ofc, i hate it hahaha
you know I really hope the next update doesn't make me delete my data 4 the game because I really don't like QuickTime events I know it can't be helped but the Gilbert QuickTime events are ridiculous really hard it is hard to believe but Mark used to my Canon route but now it's Gilbert for sure followed by Parker close second Anders and Lars tied for third LOL
does anyone have the latest document to help get all the Points
New update yaasss
Is it new or I didn't see before 😳
You just didn't see it before
Edit: oh added a new one
New episode 👁️🫦👁️
Yay new update is here 😍
I saw you on tiktok
Oh hello 🥰
Omg hii bestie
Hi! 🥰✌️
Oh finally New Update. Thank You Very Much!!!
Seems like I need to change my plans for this weekend.😍
Yay new update 😄😇
Usually, after I finished a route of a VN, I don't want to take other routes because I'm too fond of that character. But, this VN makes me curious what really happened to the main character we played (Walter)
So far, I just finished Parker's latest day and here my summary: all of the main characters were friends in the past. But because an incident, Walter lost his memory and the others decided to forgot the incident. The story is when they gathering together and tried to not bring up the incident around Walter that doesn't remember anything.
I also still curious the last unrevealed date-able character
...yet, I felt guilty about leaving Mr Parker in the cafeteria at second day for meeting Lars (yes, I take Lars route now)
...and then I miss Mr Parker warm fur...
This kind of situation is very common. Hahaha, I often wonder what Gil wants to say to Walter in the main line of Mark
For the sake of their childhood memories. Well, the guilty feeling is a bit eased when I know what happened to Lars.
Now, there only Coach Gil that the route I didn't take yet. Then I finished all those three hunks routes 😆
I recommend ya to play Mark route and his episode next...You will have a fuller view of this game...about the past and the future of Walter...maybe the true ending, i guess?
On the go!
Is there another unpublished role
Why not add more roles so that I can have more husbands~~
Hello,im new to this game and i wanted to ask something.Is Mr.Parker episode is only 8 for now?Cause i cant get into eps 9.Please answer!!
It seems that everyone's ninth day hasn't come out. Lars' ninth day seems to have been updated. Gil's is next. Mr. Parker's seems to have no information yet
Okay thankss
You're welcome~~
But I will come here as soon as I am free. Apart from paying attention to after class, I don't know what I should do😂
I saw that on Patreon they have a new build but does anyone know when the public version is coming out or any sorta news on it's arrival?
Probably mid June since we have Lars Day 9 on patreon, we'll have Anders Episode for the public update
Mr Parker's main line must be interesting, but it will take a long, long time~~~
Yahh, I like the idea of a bear being a tsundere, he's kinda cute~
And the relationship between teachers and students is really great~~
So you like Gil AND Parker, hmmmmm
Maybe a month later, I don't know its update rule
Guys, be active
active in "what" exactly
Comment, otherwise I will be bored hahaha
ill try my best brotha
Hah! I'll try to be~
Feeling Soaring In The Sky... ☺️
Got it from this guy:
That's pretty neat,
what do you mean?
I'm not sure but seem like they were lover before ( u can check it out in Lars episode)...And then they got to break up, maybe because of Gil?
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I feel like the Lars's special episode is the true ending of this game...Something serious will happen, relate to Mark and Herbert...Atleast, Walter and Mark still friends, although they not as close as before...
I can’t see it being lars, maybe gil or mark
wWow, I don't want any of them to have a bad relationship
Not really bad, so don't worry
I feel Both lars special eps and lars route are the main story of the vn... (it will be clear if you guys read the day 9 of lars)