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After playing til what is offered, I immediately fell inlove with the characters and the stories. I will admit I did cry and felt deep emotions with each of the characters routes so far, not to mention the soundtracks are just the icing on the cake! Do hope you continue with this project when you are up and running again! Much thanks and look forward to it! 🥰

I just notice that Mark has his own episodes on phone somehow (I not on Patreon so....? ) or is there a new update????


the Patreon ver is free for everyone. And about the new update Dadeh Andeh not announce something.

It is? Wasn't there that time where you could get it by paying only once? And wouldn't that mean people who didn't pay don't have access to it at all or...?

all day 7 is free I mean

Wow I love this game! Just wondering though, how would one unlock Parker's image in the gallery. I played through his arc and didn't get anything but when I played on Gil's arc i got his image. Did I just go wrong on some choices?

This link may help you, it's the choices that will lead you to that 


Sure, no problem.


Oh my god! I just love this game so much!!! I'm only missing Gil days and the episodes. I need more Lars in my life, I want a CG from what happened on the 7th day!!!!! So touching and dense this story I feel like there's so much to come yet. Gratz to all these amazaing creators from After Class to Extracurricular Activities that make beautiful stories that have sexual content but it's so much more than that! T_T Feeling kinda emotional right now xD

Where would I find the discord link?

Its for patreons

is the game still on hiatus?\


Still waiting for the announcement in discord server

ok i was just wondering 😊

is coach gill a specific type of dog or just "a dog" ?


I think he's a German Shepherd

Hey does Mark have a event gallery image? i followed the guide and i still didn't get it

(1 edit)

I can't download the day 7 for free on patreon. Do I have to pay anything? Can someone leave a link?

You can download it w/o paying

Tks I finally saw it. The project isn't going to die is it? Seems so promissing...

Dadeh Andeh just taking a break.

He also said AFCL goimg hiatus but they will back.

Was there any thing new fro Parker. Last i checked it ended when they were having a sleep over and everyone was going to bed. 🤔🤔 . amazing vn hope the dev comes back soon!!!!!


Holy shit man. I didnt know Mark had a manic episide when he envited Walter to eat donuts. And he had a hard time recalling, like, bruh...

Btw how to do the spoiler post thing?


Say "spoiler" 


I needed to search the meaning of "hiatus" because I didn't knew what it meant. Now I'm relieved because I thought this awesome game had been abandoned

(2 edits) (+1)

That incident really messed with Mark and Walter's heads real bad, especially Mark. And here I was thinking Walter was the one that got in an incident. I'm guessing it has something to do with a cliff and a fall. Maybe the necklace was something given to forget rather than remember. Oh, they're a compass, nevermind then, still feel like it made them forget tho, for their sake.

Whatever it is, we can only wait and see.

(Kinda wish there was a spoiler tag here like in disqus so I can comment more spoiler-y stuff.)

does anyone know when the hiatus will end [not trynna rush just curiusssssssssssssse \*úwù *  ]

no one knows but dadeh Andeh shows Talbot sprite and Tora

Is there any nsfw scene


There's a nude scene with almost all characters at the end of this version


the onsen scene whahaha

How i get this one?

(1 edit)

i need help, does anyone know whats in the bag Gil has Lars give you in Gils path. he said not to open it around others and its been bothering me ever since, i gotta know

no one knows whahahaha

Did mark don't have a day 7 in the latest version? in the google docs there's options of day 7 of Mark Route.

You can download the Patreon ver for free all day 7 is open.

Thanks tonioantz, didnt saw that

Wait so this is the patreon version?

I just finished playing through my first time with Lars and I need to know!!! Please tell me this isn't going to end at day 7!

(1 edit)

is there any sex scene in future? and we can choose to be top or bottom?
i want see Mr.Parker or Anders being bottom or top walter >w<
just curious


Is there a discord server with all the games on itch?


when will the next update will come out? Just curious no rush :p

Does anyone know what the title of the song they used for the video here on itch

Deleted 3 years ago

they need to blurred it because Walter(he still see it thou) didn't know their dicks.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

I hope all is going well with the creators. whatever caused this hiatus i hope it's not something too serious


Any word the next update?


What are the differences with the 2 versions?


The Itch ver is behind update than the Patreon ver. Patreon ver is Advance than Itch ver.


What is the vanilla mode thing?




This game is actually soo good, cant wait to play final version!

Anyone know Mark's pin? Or is it only for patreon

Just Ignore it






I think the Walter the others knew is actually Herbert, judging from the reaction of "Herbert" in one of the dreams, (like "I'm telling mother"), I think they did a switcheroo. I just hope it isn't the same situation as Mark


It's not spoiler it's a theory

I think Herbert actually died and Walter is just delusional about having a brother in gils route he mentions that Herbert has been different since the accident like how mark also said that his brother was different ever since. And maybe Walter has a split personality disorder that would explain the situation with Mark being stalked by someone who looks like Walter. But yeah that's all just a theory


Hey guys so there's only Mark left that he hasn't had a CG scene right


He have CG

Guys spoiler alert but I need to get this out of my mind. Do you think Herbert is alive or dead? I just want to hear your speculations

He Alive if you read that Walter says his brother sending him random meme


Do you guys have other vn to recommend while we wait for the next update of this one? 😅


Try these

-Far Beyond The World
-Socially Awkward
-A Place to Call Home
-Extracurricular Activities
-Minotaur Hotel
-After Years
-Tennis Ace
-When Stars Fall
-Temptetions Ballad
-Sileo Tales of  a New Dawn
-Distant Travels


Don't forget these:



-The Smoke Room


and Echo, can't recommend Smoke Room without recommending Echo!


Well, I love the art style of "Limits" , if you ask me.


what do you do if you finished all of them 



Its amazing, there's currently 5 character routes (upwards of 30 in game days each) with some AMAZING NSFW scenes!


PASSWORD(if you're mentally prepared) 

Even tho it's low on the NSFW, the story itself makes up for it.

Warning: Pls be aware that it WILL contain bloody stuff


One thing, the Anders Day 7 CG won't unlock no matter how many times I repeat the day and see it. Maybe it's a bug?

Maybe you don't meet the required Likeness of Anders

Not that, I got the CG but it won't unlock in the gallery(for some reason)

Ohh my bad thanks for telling this whahahaha

(1 edit)

Is it just me, or is the Patreon version out for free right now??? Because I won't download it until I found out it was intentional

yes its free

if I may ask, were can i find the latest stuff

press "download now" and download patreon version


well thank you kind stranger

(1 edit)

now you mentioned it... Is the day 7 of Mark and Anders are available in patreon version? Cuz, I can't access the day 7 of two of them in public version.


They are free

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