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(1 edit)

After playing this time, Gil disappeared or something happened. This game makes me and everyone even more curious about Gil's day 11, what will happen next and continue Mark story too.


Wahahahahahaha ITS HERE

(2 edits) (+2)

Yes the new update is now out I'm so happy. Thanks Andy ❤️ 

(1 edit) (+5)

I expected the new update but a new devlog too??? wow
Tldr for anyone who doesn't bother opening devlogs

New build has: Mark day 10, Mark day 11 and Gil day 10 + housekeeping updates

Dead game?



He just updated 6 hrs ago bruhh



Can't wait for people to still think this game was updated 2 years ago

yeah some people @stainlesssteelpipe

(2 edits) (+1)

But it is 5 month but for 2 years is when the last time he put in new of updated. You have to watch the -More info- tab which is right above download buttons. ( Edited -to remove the " Updated" To more Info. Derp~)

Is there any guides for this game?


Yes there is

Click this

Like points unaccounted for:






It's beem almost two years

Pls update


It was last updated in January. The dev logs just aren't updated

Does anyone reached parker day 10?

Yes why?

How? Though I have a copy of each route I don't even know how to reach day 10

i got an error at day 10 parker after the breakfast and texting


When is the next public update? The last one was back in January :/

Hopefully tomorrow and no it wasn't in January

(1 edit) (+2)

I am trying to be as forgiving as possible just because I am aware that this isn't done by a professional team, I am always more forgiving of indie teams, but....good lord.

Grammar mistakes? Okay, I can look past that, lots of text in the whole thing, can't check everything, got it.

But the dialogue?? Holy mother, I literally struggle with socializing and even I could tell you nobody talks like this. The amount of times somebody will say something  that requires a more complex answer and Walter just answers with "Oh, alright! / Okay!" is genuinely infuriating.

Conversation in general is lackluster. Every other line is literally just "Hey!" / "Hey!" / "How are you?" / "I'm fine." / "Me too." / "Okay!"

Lastly, the amount of sounds made by everyone is just weird. What kind of sound even is 'Haah'?? What is that. Is Walter just constantly yawning? Is it supposed to be a huff? Why can't you just describe it instead of putting it into the already barely there dialogue.


Since people keep forgetting to check out more info I thought I'd help by putting this picture in the comments 

When I download the game on android and when I try to download it it says app not installed anyone know how to fix it

Need to free up space


anny news about the  next ubdate ?


it's been almost 2 years since the last one.. we might not get an update 😭 

(1 edit) (+6)

The last update was 4 months ago, devlogs just aren't updated...

(1 edit)

I think the next update will be this month or next month

Feed us


i need a new update right now </333


So I have a question guys I know Andy had a family issue but I'm not following him on Twitter I don't believe so can anyone tell me what's going on with this one

Am I the only person curious about Andrew because I have a lot of questions like who he is, what is his relationship with Walter, is he bad or good, to what degree is he dangerous, is he the Stalker who bothers Mark and Walter, and why is he mysterious? Is he the kind of character who watches everything and controls fate All the other characters, and most importantly, why is he so attractive, and finally, why doesn’t he have a path or a Episode, and will he have one in the future? Because dating that tiger would be so wonderful.


I always thought of him like a watcher someone who is just watching the story unfolds and give the main characters a tip from time to time prop cuz he wants to change an unwanted outcome 


Maybe, but I still hope he has a special path like the other characters

This tiger is too charismatic to be a supporting character


True his route is something i really hope to see


hi there afcl fans you're welcome to join our unofficial discord server made for after class fans where u can talk about ur afcl crush or theories and most importantly make friends who likes afcl just like you feel free to drop by

(1 edit) (+1)

it's a shame that you  completely stopped updating the public version of this visual novel even though it's patreon funded


Of course, upgrades only come on the paid side because they just want money! The most amusing thing is that the game is who knows how old and there will only be one update that we have had to wait a month for. Too much I've seen nowadays here on Patreon where you just want money and in the worst case scenario the games are updated every 3 months and there will be a small update even if paid money. Homecoming-Morenatsu revisited one example where I last received an update last August last year! Don't make ten games at the same time if you want to make money from these games! In my opinion, this should change


Know the situation of the author first b4 commenting so stfup 😍🖕

So real

the recent situation doesn't justify the last 2 years or so of complete inactivity in the public version

Do you think they have an update every month for public we're getting a should be patreon based game but they decided to make a public version so we should be grateful that they even considered us less fortunate to play their game

Do you not know how the patreon development model works? the trade-off for receiving Patron funding is releasing the game for free once it's finished there are examples of very well-known VNs being developed this way, echo, arches, adastra, minotaur hotel, extracurricular activities, Etc. If he wanted to make a paid game it should be able to be paid for on the page otherwise you're basically paying a subscription have access to the game and paying way more money than you otherwise would have if you just bought it like any other Early Access game which is greedy

Like he was updating the game like all of those examples I said but then just said never mind fuck you and pay walled everything

What do you mean 2 years of inactivity? The last update was on jan 4

But when's the last time he sent out a notification? 2022

jsyk the public version is getting updated continuously, there are just no devlogs on itch. the last public update was Jan 4 2024, and the last patreon update was Feb 1 2024


Hi author! im just now hearing about your brother, and i wish him a full recovery and that everything goes well for you and your family! take your time, be safe and take care of the priorities first, we all love and support you! 


Hey Author! I hope your brother get fully recover and also to you take your time and get some rest before you back to work. God Bless you

(1 edit) (+1)

This visual novel is very interesting and good. I thank the author for what he did and look forward to returning later to the story of the main character and the relationship with them. Thank you if the author reads this and hope everything goes well for the author life!

Okay I may have missed it or made a choice that made me miss the Info, but I'm on Lars Route rn, Day 11, since when did we have a Stalker?!

Ever since our main character move in


Hey Author! I heard the news about your brother and im really sorry to hear that happen to you and i hope youre doing well. I hope he makes a full recovery very soon and please take it easy!

Thank you for making this amazing visual novel for us and we will wait patiently for your return!

Take care!♡

(1 edit) (+2)

Do they not do any updates anymore? Is it patreon only to proceed? If so how much do I pay to get more days. Just asking because im so confused on how to get any new updates when they release them. Ive seen the update logs on the Vn’s game info tab but it looks like its been a while since another day has came out on there so I checked pateron and they have new days on there so im not sure whether Im supposed to become a patreon in order to get new updates and more days.


They still do public updates here on itch, they just don't put devlogs here anymore


For people wondering of the state of the game. It's in steady progress. The author is going through something in RL with their brother regarding his health and had to set aside updating about the game's progress for priorities sake.

However, this doesn't mean that updates on the game isn't happening behind the scenes, we should be expecting an update very soon.

So in the meantime, we should be patient and don't try to rush them.




Is there still no Wilfred route?


What even happened after class???

Just wait,this always happen you know


So After Class.

After Class succeeds in capturing the RomCom anime structure, the characters are all enjoyable and diverse among them, the plot is not that complicated* and the presentation is very comfortable. Every character route is worth reading thru since they are all somewhat equal size so you never feel it left out compared to others.

Not all character will seem attractive to you at first, some might sound annoying or not worth it but I really implore you to give them a chance. The presentation of AC is superb, the music is well picked for the situations, the backgrounds are beautifully drawn and the sprites have a nice variety of expressions that makes them feel alive. Now about this asterisk in the complicated the story bit, truth to be told there is something underneath After Class plot, there is always something You don't know, don't remember and feels like everyone is keeping it from you. It's mystery about identity, who are you playing as? What really happened to you? Those are one of few questions I have and I'm very eager to keep reading to find out.


Yeah but,i hate it the when they changed the face of walter,parker,coach gil,mark,anders,forgot about lars


I can understand the changes in art is a matter of opinion so I won't try to say you are right or wrong.
But is still Andy Peng wish to change so I respect your opinion but also respect the will of the creator to shape his project into something he wants it.

(1 edit) (+1)

I’m guessing theres no more updates since it was last updated 2 years ago?

Look at more information tabs because it has been updated they have a lot done


become a patreon 

How can i continue the story? 

It depends on the context of the question, can you be a little more specific ? 


Can someone tell me when the new update comes?


We have to be calm, after all have creativity to make the story, program, etc.... It's not easy. On top of that, he also needs to get some rest from time to time


We're like 2 or 3 updates behind Patreon rn

become a patreon 


i need a new update right now

Deleted 328 days ago

Become a patreon 

Could someone please help me 😭, what is the password to Mark's phone? I mean when you follow their route and they are going to the beach

It's not coded in yet

For some reason, I can't access day 10/11 of Mark? After day 9 it just ends

Are you a patron? Marks day 10 and 11 are not out yet in public if you are a patron then maybe a lack of like and love points if not its a rollback error which please report immediately to let andy know there's a bug

ooooh I thought they were public cuz they were on the guide www

Yeah the guide is up to date with patreon so we know what will happen in the future kinda cool tbh

(1 edit)

I'm not sure how to submit a bug report, so I'm doing it here. 

I'm talking with Wilfred on Parker's day 11, and what I assume is Talbot's name is only coming up as "???".

So I went to go check in the Characters section to see if for some reason I hadn't seen Talbot yet, but I had.

I'm not sure what could have caused this. It's not game breaking, but it was odd, so I thought I'd report it.

Edit: I'm on Android, if this helps.

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