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hi there afcl fans you're welcome to join our unofficial discord server made for after class fans where u can talk about ur afcl crush or theories and most importantly make friends who likes afcl just like you feel free to drop by


I remember my first days on Mark and Gil route... Rly hate dog and love kitty, but! Right now i see how i failure. 

Best coach Gil always help me — Mark never tell truth and lie. Wtf, love and hate swaps in my head.


You know at first I thought I would like Mark for the main character but as time went on I absolutely hate him but I still read his route to see if he will turn around so for now he is last in order g i l l is first random descending order from there I completely agree with everything you said about Mark but I want your opinion do you think h e is too needy

Hi, i love the game! Just a question, how do you unlock the second image of Lars? I have unlocked the others playing naturally but that one i didnt encounter.

Thanks in advance.

That would be in his episode, though since the UI was changed dunno where it is located now hehe

Top left title screen hover your mouse over their faces.

(Idk if you got any notification for the other coment but check here) Top left title screen hover your mouse over their faces.

I'm so sad....because 1 person with he hate comment 
My Mr.parker get blame for it... i mean just hate the guy with that stupid comment don't bring Mr.Parker.....


Really liking this game and am a huge fan of Gil :D

Actually screamed in frustration when I got to the last bit of his route but will wait for more! Might eventually pledge too down the line. Even got a circle of friends into this game too who keep making up these theories about the plot, like how MC might have a split personality and is actually his own twin brother and etc lol

Hope you're doing alright, I'll look forward to more updates! [and hoping Wilfred gets more stuff too]

Lego interested remember to check more information to see weather the visual novel has been updated because my guess Andy is very busy and some development logs would take a long time to type out but to prove the visual novel is being updated from time to time here is a screenshot I took today from the more information tab

(2 edits) (+8)

Me resurrecting back to life to check for updates:

Me checking the past couple weeks comments:

yeahhhh, total mess


Hello Mr. Andy, I am a fan of AFCL game (I am wondering that you may not check the twitter, so I wrote this comment, hope this won't bother u), plus I am a Chinese college student. I am writing this comment excitedly because it is my first time to write to a game creator through twitter! And I hope my poor English won't bother you.

I have played your game recently, and I think this game is perfect! Ranging from the story line, game interface, characters, musics, CG(characters & background) and so on.

Hearing that you might have some trouble these days, I genuinely hope you can deal with those messes and relax yourselves! Especially getting some sweat time in your bed instead of working...

Eh...Hope to see you well. In fact as a college student I don't have a VISA card (Is that so called?) now, so I may not support you with my money...But if you need some translation answer in Chinese, I am willing to share what I know with u !

Okay, in short, don't push yourself too hard, and have a good rest on January🥳!


The funniest part of this comment is that you are unsure of your linguistic skills, yet you could form  better sentences than several natives I've talked to. lol.

So is this the real download?


Thank you, man! If it's time to do translations and all and we're short on people, I'll remember to contact you!

Uh-ha!Now I can log in, I have contacted you on twitter, I left my email 1715… on it. So if you need any help, you can find me! Thanks for your reply haha, hope you well!

Can't Wait for another update i already finished all the Routes 

i hope i can still play this masterpiece when its complete in the future


What happened here while i was gone like all this hate just bc parker had a past lovlife like can't you just love a character by the way they are and in future builds of afterclassvn im sure parker will be more exciting when andy finishes it don't get me wrong i love parker but so doea everyone else what im saying is that even if the story for the desireable character rn is trash it will improve overtime it's called character development bitch so if you hate the game now the uninstall is free and go look at other vn than this we have our own opinions about the game and we should respect it unlike som1 who i'v been reading here for about 40 mins of them complaining and whinning like a bitch about it like get a life as a matter of fact touch grass or disconnect for a while maybe you'll understand when you finally see it's not just about 1 character of the game 😒


i check in on this game every half a year or so, its changed so much in a good way. cant wait to see its completion 


Happy new year everyone..🥰🥰 and to you Mr. Andy.. Love lotss...

Hi andy! Love you mwehehehe and also your vn😁

When is the next update coming? I'm really excited lmao ;u;

When is wilfred gonna have a route


Is the in-game dev log accurate? I thought there would be Gil day 9 but there wasn't


Just wait. It should come by around late Jan/ early Feb!

Waiting for the mark dare scene

Deleted 1 year ago

We still don't have that yet


omg I freaking love this vn it's my first one I hope the update comes sooner I love the story so perfect! ( And EVERYONE WANTS A GIL SMEX SCENE AAAAA )

It is coming.

Hey Andy I know you keep updating the game behind the scenes which is fine but I do have a question though could you give the option to disable QuickTime events because along the way I am afraid that eventually either I will get a new tablet and my old saves won't work at all or I will have to delete the visual novel in order to update it which makes me sad because the timing on some of those QuickTime events are really unforgiving and I really want to make sure that I have the maximum like to love ratio possible for all of routes if you don't want to I understand it's just really hard for me to do

I noticed error with marks portrait on day 9 for a few sentences it switches back to his hoodie I know it's a little weird for someone to respond to their own comment but just noticed it as I was reading today

For anyone going for Parker x Gil: You're cool, how about start writing your own fan fiction instead of waiting for others to do so? Seeing how destructive the fiction affected the canon lore would help you realize the only truth by then.


just wondering, what exactly is going on with the new routes? how would I access them

(1 edit) (+14)

I know recently there's someone who's been flaming me in the comment section (and discord) but let's not say names, ignore it and stay chill. 

I actually don't mind those "bad" comments, but only if it's constructive and not straight up insulting me as a person LOL. 

Criticize the work, not the person. That way I can improve as a writer.

Thank you!

By the way, what's the discord called???

i was trying to find the discord but i dindt find it and i tried to asking in twitter but i dindt get a answer

It's available for people who pledged in his patreon 

Hello, I wanted to know if the ninth day of Lars is already available?


Yes it's already there for...I think 4 months now?


I really love how the VN is going.

Excuse me, I wanted to ask if you know what the PIN of Mark's phone is?


(3 edits) (+5)

To Andy regarding Teddy’s route and the recent hate rampage from he who must not be named. 


I’ve recently read Parker's route last night, and I honestly see nothing wrong with it. I know the opinion of one person usually doesn't matter, but because of someonneeeeeeee (-_-) I feel the need to say this. From a reader's perspective, it's a nice look into Parker's past and who he was and still is as a person. For example in the main story, Parker seems to be in a better state of mind than he was back then. Him being self conscious about his weight being the main trait that carried over with him from the past. 

 There is also some nice use of rhetorical devices in the episode. The main one I noticed is repetition, with the repetitive use of multiple references to depression and acts of depression. Usually too much repetition can be bad, but I believe in a situation regarding depression (as this episode) it is used VERY well. Especially since depression can be a cycle of monotonous repetitions (speaking from experience). Like how Parker didn’t want to go out with Hendrik and then immediately regretted it. Or how Parker consistently compares himself to others, and how he can’t even look himself in the mirror. 

Although some may say that the Parker episode is “bad” I honestly think you did a really great job at taking a look at Parker's personal past and depression. The only thing I could see that was bad about the route is some grammatical mistakes but that's literally the only thing.


Thank you for being ten billion percent better than thou who shall not be named

What can we say to Andy's carefully selected loyal dogs? Andy's shit is sweet to you.

(1 edit) (+1)

I didn't see any loyal dogs here

The one I'm seeing right now is all bark and and no bite. Funniest thing is he share your name 

What a coincidence 


Get out of my replies you illiterate fuck.  LMFAO

I can't even begin to grasp what you're saying. Maaaaaybe you didn't like Parkers episode because you couldn't actually understand what it was trying to convey?


It started a few months back.

They complained about how Parker was the only one without any past relationships, and then complained when PE1 showed his past love life. 

They were reaaaaaally insisting on Parker x Gil, so they were malding that I didn't give them that in recent update. 

It's ironic they kept calling themselves Parker's "fan", yet they want me to delete him lmfao. 

What's their agenda, I wonder?

They wanted a Parker backstory and they got it. 

Just because two characters that you like aren't together doesn't mean the world is ending 😭


I think that if someone becomes that invested into fictional characters, they should maybe look into getting some sort of counseling. 

It's great if a story and its characters invoke strong emotions but in the end storyteller is at the helm and not the reader.

There's a difference between escapism and obsession - and it's not even that fine line. If the story and its characters are no longer enjoyable then the right move is to walk away from it, not to get obsessed over it...

(1 edit)

And your shit is tragic, monstrous, dreadful, ghastly, atrocious, appalling, horrendous, wretched, mediocre, idiotic and let's not forget, WORTHLESS, to me.

Now get your ass off our replies. Thank you ❤️


That's a great analysis you put up here! Really spot on.

There are some intentional grammatical errors I put there, for the sake of lore, haha.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEE (definitely going to reread it now).


Hey Mr.Andy, I ain't gonna be a bitch like lance654. I only have a question and that's regarding the repetitive use of Mr.Parker. I know he's a main character but I don't really get why he's used that much in other people's plot. Most of the time a main character who you didn't choose would get a moment to shine in the game but would necessarily not be trying to interfere with how you're focusing on your love interest and the plot with them. It feels like you're watering him down which is sad because I like every character, except Mark. And could you please explain to me why I should like Mark because I have played every other person's playthrough and I still dislike that cat. If there is a genuine reason which will explain why you made the script for Parker that way just say it'll be explained later since this is the public chat and it's okay for us not to get spoilers since we haven't paid for the exclusive stuff on patreon. I hope you read this and have a happy new year 

Where do you play Mr. Parker episode... o.o? 


Its okay to not like a character like Mark Misty. At least you're being polite and honest about it. Unlike certain child named Lance

Thank you. Nice name by the way 😉


Thank you

You too


Well said, and LOL, real.

Thank you for your appreciation. If you are not a fan of Parker, please don't make your speech annoying. Besides, you haven't read Parker Episode. The original painter has left, and Andy and After Class have become a joke.


Even one so called Parker fans has left but he doesn't want to admit it and continue lurking here instead of having a life

So far he's doing a good job at being puta. 


I know this won't get through your empty skull which is more empty than the Sahara desert. But, what I say is to ask him to make Parker more unique and more lovable instead of making him luke warm. I have no favourites. I just want to see all of them have a nice plot and to understand the uniqueness of each character. If your dumbass can't understand plot, then go play dream daddy where everything is finished and you'll definitely end up with the person you chose. (I'm sure your ass would still complain anyways)

(1 edit) (+2)

It's mostly for the sake of continuity. 

Parker is MC's teacher, so it makes sense that he appears a lot. Episode Parker might give some clue why he appears a lot in other routes--it's subtle, but the clue is there.

As for Mark, there's no reason for you to like him if you don't. He's just written this way, it's my intention. So you either like him or you don't! 

I don't 🙂,  but thank you for replying about Parker. Now it makes more sense to me. Thanks and have a nice day 


Amm.. Wtf its happening ? Can someone explain to me why there is soooo much hate in the comments right now... Im scared. 


Stupidity and arrogance of an idiot,aka lance654, who grew up with no manners.

Lmfao, just from one person. It's fun.


Stop pretending, Mr. Andy. Would you say anything other than "If you don't like my game, go away"? What kind of shit is Parker Episode? Well, you successfully disgusted Parker's fans. You successfully wrote a bunch of fans who disgusted Parker with their feces. You portrayed Parker as a Cheap and Low character. You never gave Parker any favorable character setting and background. That's how you treated Parker and his fans.

I am very happy that the original painter has left you. You are nothing without that painter. Who knows your shit game without that painter. It is good for you and Parker fans to delete Parker. Parker will not bring you any more income. He has no value. Is it necessary for a Cheap Low role to exist? Yes, I know you will say that I don't care anymore. I have already told you that you don't need to say anything more.

After Class is losing its popularity. Isn't that your problem. No, you will only say that this is a question of fans and I have nothing to do with it.Well, you have successfully lost Parker fans. Anyway, you don't care. You just need to serve the fans of lars and gil like a dog. Your discord kingdom is full of fans you have selected. Continue to immerse yourself in the happiness that they please you.

(2 edits)

You are really narcissistic and disgusting.


Bro just piss off everyone can have their own opinion but if it’s negative just keep it to yourself cause the only disgusting and narcissistic person here is you and leave Andy alone hasn’t he been threw enough already.


Pfft, don't worry about it. Once they get bored, they will stop commenting--probably.


I just read 3 paragraphs from that fool and all I got was


Some people really should not be allowed to post their own opinion in public.


He really drag us all onto this

God forgive the man/female for his outrage

Hopefully you won't condemn him for being stupid and foolish like a little child throwing tantrum unfortunately he/she is a grown up person

Hopefully he will found other interest out there in this vast endless world and away from us and creator of this good vn


Could you shut da fuck up.  I see no logic in complaining because you could just delete the game. Like I don't know...  a NORMAL FUCKING PERSON. You don't have to be a bitch to the writer, he ain't gonna do shit about your complaints anyways 

Yes, of course I will delete the game. Don't worry. But I think it's interesting to see you eat the shit Andy wrote. If you like to give money to shit, just give it away.

(1 edit)

And if you like to talk shit, write it in a diary instead of proving you're a bitch online.

Now get your ugly ass away from my replies 

(1 edit) (+3)

It's funny you dedicated lots of essay just to show hate, kinda lame and low for a human, though I dunno if you are a human though. Why not create your own visual novel to overthrow after class so you can shut up. In the ebd no one really cares which is popular or not since people are there only for entertainment.

Thank you for your advice, Andy Loyal Dog.



Darling if you continue being immature about Parker like this, its better if you exit the game and delete it like a good boy. No need to say Parker is this Parker is that

Also there are still Parker fans out there

Even i too is his fans but still no need to drag all of us on this matter if you're the only one who is pissed about it

Please stop pretending to be a Parker fan. Your Andy dog's tail is showing.


Pretend? HA you're pathetic 

Tell you what, if anyone, you're the one his own tail is showing. You can't even keep yourself calm because Parker had a love life. How can you call yourself a fan if you don't even like Parker being happy

(1 edit)

waiting for Andrew route,I don't have much money so I can only hope so :vvv

(1 edit) (+1)

hey Andy i just wanna say as a Parker fan, i actually really enjoyed Parker character episode. While i was expecting a story focused on Lars-Gil-Parker trio, im not disappointed at all because it actually gives Parker more personality than main story (and THANK YOU for finally stop blue-balling us readers).

There's still questions i wonder after reading the episode, and i can't wait for Parker (or Gil) episode 2 to drop so i can have my answers. Also, i actually think Parker episode has more plot and relevance to main story than Lars' episode lmao

Stop pretending to be a fan of Parker, okay? Andy's faithful people. Why do Parker fans continue to give money to this shit game?


get ur pathetic loser ass out of my reply, shitface LMAO

LOL I wish I could pin this comment.


What does Andy say besides saying that if doesn't like playing my games, will go away? Andy kicked out all the users who had objections in Discard. That's how he treated Parker's fans.


You know the fact that I haven't banned you from this comment section says a lot about how I treat others who had objections to what I write LOL (I'll spell it out for you: I think it's amusing and fun to have.)

For the record, I don't kick people out of the Discord server. Our server might be somewhat dead at times, but we also have moderators and logs to see if people are getting kicked or simply left lmfao.

Nice try though. Stay mald and cope. I'll give you a like for effort.

What's the discord server called?? I wanna join


No more blue-ball. LOL.

Yeah, Lars' episode is more about himself than any plot points. I'm thinking of revisiting it at some point, actually. We'll see.

I hope you will. Personally i think Lars' route and episode falls flat compared with others like Anders' or even Gil's so i hope you'll do a rework on his like Mark's episode.


I hopefully there will be Gilbert day 9

Ikr, I really wanna know who that f*cker in the hoodie is and what he's going to do to my boy.


What does GM,MM,etc means? I remember reading the meaning behind these acronyms but i kinda forgot where

GM= Gil Main,  MM= Mark Main.

GE= Gil Episode, ME= Mark Episode.

i hate to ask but discord said theres public update out but it not showing up here is it actually out

if you hit "more information" above,  you will see the update date is recent, it's just the devlog isn't posted.

The thing is, there is nothing more after the 9th of Parker

(1 edit) (+1)

there is. It's Mark day 9. Or I might actually forgot to include it in this update. I'll check later anyway.

I finished perusing the update, I liked what you did with Mark Day 9. I'm not a fan of Mark to be honest, but I like the breadcrumbs you left from Gilbert's backstory. I also noticed you made changes to some of the dialog in his route too, good stuff all around.

Happy new year people :D

ah also, what does this new update add ? [0.10.01i]

Mark day 9


Good job, Andy! Look at Parker Episode, What kind of shit do you write? That's what parker went through in the past? Why do you have to write about Parker's past love experience? Can't you write something serious? Parker's ex boyfriend is the one Gil doesn't even look at? Parker likes a person Gil doesn't like at all? Why did you write Parker so cheaply? What does it mean to write Parker so cheap? What's the point of this writing besides making Parker cheap in front of other characters? After reading Parker Episode, I just think Parker is cheap and clown. Andy, you treat Parker fans as fools, right? I beg you to leave Parker alone and delete Parker, OK? You can't write, can you not? Do you dare to offend Lars fans and Gil fans? You dare not. You are just a dog of Lars fans and Gil fans. I know there are few Parker fans, so you can only disgust Parker fans. That's how you treat Parker's fans, right? Who do you want to disgust by writing a lump of shit? What else would you say besides "Please leave if you don't like to play"? Do you dare to say this to Lars fans and Gil fans? You dare not, you are just their dog. Anyway, I won't spend any more money for AC, so you can continue to immerse yourself in your discord kingdom. Discord fans are all the most loyal people you have selected.

(3 edits) (+9)

+1. After Class is shit.

Jokes aside, I'm sorry that my idea of Parker isn't the same as yours, but I won't apologize for what I write.

Besides, you're free to spend your money how you wish and entitled to an opinion of your own. This feels like some sort of reverse psychology that I don't give a fuck about LMAO.

And I've read this a few times already. Touch grass.

Stay mald and cope. 

(1 edit)

Do you think you are good? Do you think After Class is famous because of you? Don't be too narcissistic, sir. The plot is like a piece of shit. You deserve it? Your game is bullshit without the original painter. I'm really happy that the original painter no longer cooperates with people like you. Very good. You successfully disgusted Parker fans. You can't expect to get another penny from Parker fans. Anyway, you don't care about Parker fans. Go back to your Discord Kingdom and serve Lars fans and Gil fans like a dog. You are really a good dog.

(1 edit)

Shit, let's see how After class lost its popularity. You're right. Your game is a piece of shit. You are really a garbage writer, and you beat a lot of good cards.


I'll put my comment here, though I don't know whether you'll see it or not. There are some aspects of Walter that I do agree with the original comment, e.g., sometimes he seems to be quite dull, like when others are talking and there's a chance that they could be hiding something. (I know this is your story and you're free to shape it however you want, and you're the only one who knows Walter's personality the best.)

However, if I were Walter and somebody was talking about things that could be related to me, I'd definitely eavesdrop a little in case there is something I should be aware of. Although, you might argued that Walter's emotional state is quite a mess due to his memory loss. 

Then another point could be made; there were several times that Walter decided not to ask an important question because of "courtesy" or some sort? Like in the Gil's route: there was a time when Walter could ask about "why did he lie to Walter," (I'm not quite sure what Walter meant by this line though.) He could have asked though questions several times but he decided to remain silent. If it was to extend the plot for a bit longer, then I think there might be a better way to shape those dialogue, like make Walter go around the question a bit and make Gil spill something without his realization.

The dialogue of each character seemed natural enough, there might be some that seems odd, but I don't really know how to improve because I'm also struggling writing those kind of conversation between characters lol.

Another point I'll agree with the original comment is that romanticizing Gil's harassment is quite off for now, but I prefer to think that maybe there might be more backstory between Gil and Walter, which made Walter responds to Gil's behavior subconsciously like the way he is. Still, I'm a Gil fan, and I tease my close friend like that occasionally, and we didn't mind it... so the fact that I'm mostly fine with Gil's behavior might stemmed from this.

Overall, there are still room for improvements of writings, dialogues, and character development, but that takes time to improve. Keep it up! : D

P.S. I find the original comment to be too harsh and things could be phrase a little bit more constructive, but again, I'm not him/her/them so I don't know what the commenter saw.

I have finished what I want to say. Let's see how Andy describes Parker as a Cheap and low character. Parker never had any favorable character and background. What piece of shit does Parker Episode describe? What else is there besides knowing that Parker is a cheap and low person? Did Andy respect Parker's fans? No, he didn't. He just said that if you don't like playing, go away. He just needs to serve Lars fans and Gil fans like a dog. This month's sponsorship is for dogs.

Well unfortunately I must disagree with you there, I feel like what they were trying to do was to make them trust you due to the fact that whoever you choose as a love interest will have the pendant you were given as a child. Maybe you confessed to the person when you were younger and now that they know you don't remember them they're trying to start stuff fresh and new. Walter is generally not an aggressive person so making him force the person to reveal the truth would just make them refuse to do it completely and distance themself from him. Yeah I know it would probably end with an apology, love then the truth comes out but remember this game is supposed to be 15 days. And that plot is good for only 4 DAYS at max. Yes I do find the route he's taking irrational and stupid by not being persistent on his own life but it gives people more plot and time to fully understand and love the characters in the game. 

thank you. But you might as well see how the heat of After Class gradually cools down. Do you think After Class is famous because of Andy? No, thanks to the painter. Now the painter has left, Andy is inferior to his After Class shit. Of course, I won't pay a penny for a piece of shit.

Please remove Parker's route and let go of Parker's fans. Thank you, Andy. Parker is a Cheap and Low character. Let Parker's fans get relief.

Its still unfinished tho..

Oh dear, you should really see how Mr. Andy is disgusted with Parker fans in Parker Episode. Parker Episode is a piece of shit. Why should Parker fans continue to believe and send money to this garbage writer.

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