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But in reality, it will release on 15th (probably). I can still wait for that.

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Stay cool stay cool, we'll get through this HAHA

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can someone PLZZZZZZZZZZ help me!!!!!!!

how do i play the game because when i download it all i get is a tone of files!!!!


I finally made an account just to reply to this. Isn't there supposed to be an .exe file? double tap it.

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Okay, random, and probably silly question...
What's Vanilla Mode?

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I tried to turn it on, but didn't worked, that's why I asked lol (I play on Android btw)

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hahahaha indeed.... 

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Honestly I would dress up like Walter but sadly, my country, there's no celebration in Halloween... 😫

By the way, happy Halloween my fri.

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Deleted 2 years ago
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(1 edit) (+5)

I can't wait for the day Gil and Walter to do the deed 🥺

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Who would you think gonna ask first?

My bet is on Walter.

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Said by the one who posts Gil's thirst trap ✋🙄

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criminalizing proof down there


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Deleted 2 years ago

Yay, dadeh Lars gonna pawtec me.

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Go ahead, I've seen enough, lol.

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Why did I even look at this?!?!?1 Now I'm curious






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Wait, that line looks even familiar, dunno my memory suck haha

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I really hope this is NOT a out of context phrase.... Because I want Lewd!

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Don't remind me of Lars special episode... 

And welp, you're at the comment session of a furry visual novel... What you wanted 😂😂😂🤤

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This is why I love Gil honestly

Oh My My... I see you change the name into Josh instead of the original Walter...

Quite Horny and get into the actual character huh...

That sounds like giving me a Bonk Bonk for the Dong... 😁🤣

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Hmmm why not? Lol

I just don't know if it's okay to share here? But I don't see a problem at the same time so...

If you ever post it, I'll read it XD

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Deleted 2 years ago

Ohhhh I liked it!!!
I think it'll be fun to see what's comming next XD
AND can't wait for Parker lol

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no rush dude! Take your time! And whenever you post it, reply with it in any of my comments please! 

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oh, thats okay, but still, it was good!

Again, when you post, feel free to show me! 

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Yes yes yes yes yes

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The best of luck with you work there😁

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It will, I'm sure of it!

Deleted 2 years ago
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Awww, but I haven't read it yet. But if you say so, still goodluck!

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Email would be good, though my identity would be found haha. 

Edit: My name would be


Hm... Okay, But can we go back on Gil day 4 and discuss...


My bet is... It's something or really lewd (like a dildo) or something really cute (like, idk, a diary) and he feel embarrassed about it... 

Maybe on the upcoming episode we'll find out?

(I'm replaying the route btw, bc I can't remember details since the last time I played for day 8...)

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Playing for Gil day 8 since I played his route only once (actually all routes only once and a quite long time ago, so I can't remember lol)

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you know that... This is quite crude •́ ‿ ,•̀


Can't wait to see the new day...

But, I'm quite curious (just wanna know your thoughts without any kind of spoiler) but how's Anders route going? 

His route is quite "apart" from the story, but it was a fun route imo

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Oh, there was the basketball stuff, but he said that after the basketball stuff and I don't remember if it was shown in the game lol 

I'll reply if I discover later lol


I'm pretty sure it's a yarn ball, and papers if my memory serves right.



I see... I may have really forgot it... 

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can't remember lol

(That's pretty much why I'm playing it again 😅)

It was yarn (you find this out on Parker day 7) and the basketball pamphlets.

ohhhhh that's why I didn't remembered lol

It's on Parker's route lmao

Thanks Dude!

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Uhhh This is from Gil day 8 right?

Kinda jealous now lol. I hope Andeh post the new update soon to the public lol 

The patrons are making a good work teasing the public here in the comments lol

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But... Man... I simp for a daddy like Gil, Lars and Parker 😂 (And I agree, Mark day 8 was really good!)

But it's Gill... And Parker.... And Lars....

(I'd not mind a lewd scene with those 3... Lul) random thoughts...

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Hmm, okay first of all i wish i can sing rally go round just because i remember nisekoi from this game also nice references ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
second i love this game! ( i wish i can buy the patreon tho cri cri) 

hoping for more im dying if this gets cancelled Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

 i cant wait for more content!

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I'd like to think that Gil is actually a softie while... yknow.... that thing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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hahahaha...true true


In a sense I agree lmao Gil is pretty much a softie under the perv skin lol

But I want lewd, that's it... specially with Gil, Parker and Lars

Thank you




I can't believe the developer log has not been updated sense Parker I know Mark just got up not too long ago but I really want to know when Gilbert will be


you could always check Andeh's patreon for the monthly report

also, I think Gil's day 8 update will go public next month (November)

can someone help?

I’m trying to download the game for Linux and when I do I just get a tone of files and Idk how to open the game from there 

Please help me guys!!!

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(1 edit) (+3)

Well, Gil is the one who is more willing or maybe remembers more about Walter's past. Although some character seems oblivious about their past with Walter, so, for now, Gil's words about Walter's past are probably genuine.

Gil's day 8 spoiler

And that is (probably) why Gil got into trouble at the end of day 8.

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Haha I guess my curiosity is killing me... I really want to know Walter's past.

By the way who's the guy on a Bus at the end of Gil Day 8???

Is that the guy who creeps out on Mark Episode? 🤔

Deleted 2 years ago
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Is there any discord server for this game

It's exclusive for patreon subscribers only

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How to open it?

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did you get the patreon ver.?

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i see its ok :D

Mark's route is quite different from others. Looking back at Mark's Episode (side story) even shows that Mark was the first person to see Walter back at the train station since day 1 of his arrival.

If you have not completed his side story, I suggest you would go and read it right now.

I don't want to spoil anything my friend.

There's a connection for sure between Walter, Halberd, Mark and his brother.

For now I cant seem to collide every pieces together yet, soon the story will be unfold. 

I'm guessing that Mark will revenge for his brother. Probably things will get heated up as the storyline progress... 

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Wait, what? 

First access for the Patron, is It?

 No wonder LOL 

(1 edit)


Have you ever checked all the music in the Music Room Gallery?

My favorites are Easy Lemon and The Sky's Feelings-2nd-.

What's yours?

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My favorite would be Think tenderly of piano. 

My favorites are "The sky's feelings" and "Changing scenes and time". 

Changing scenes and time is something for me, but idk for sure what's the reason... Lol

I have to say... Nisekoi Gay Furry Edition

Is here scenes hot >//<

can we make all episode character


We have Parker and Gil's episode pending now so we gotta wait, not to mention it's a lot of work in their end. Just be a little patient pls 😁


Yh we might think it's easy but it's alot of pressure and thinking skills to come up with this game

can we make day 9 of the game


The creator has to go through all day 8 before t h e y do day 9 just saying 


if anyone has the gilbert give me coke meme i need it please!

i saw it on here but i cant find it again nd its the only cure for sad



You are loved and appreciated thank you for blessing me with this

We can't get enough of Gil's goofiness, aren't we?

I just finished his day 7 and now I really really want his day 8 because I fell so badly for him and his teasing 


i love lars and all the stories about him, hope they both get closer, yeah waiting for the new version :(


For the time being, indulge with this excited tiger for now.

oh wtf dude, I've never seen him smile in this game, where did you get the picture from? 

(1 edit)

It's in his day 8 silly.

I'm not really good at giving feedback but this vn make me keep coming back 😭, the more update I read, I become more curious about their past. At some point, I think their past were way worsed than I expect. And I also can't decide which one from all five of them is my favourite boy 🥺.

Btw, thanks for the update ❤️


M pretty sure there will be a happy ending for ever characters... 🥺😁

I guess you should go with Mr. Parker (that's my favorite).

More story will be unveiling soon my friend, we just have to wait on that. 🥰

I was replaying gil's route since my old device I played on doesnt work anymore. And I swear I was picking the right stuff for the extra scene after you lay down with him on the beach. I swear there was additional dialogue where he kisses your cheek or something. And then when he vuddles with you in the inn. Idk if I'm doing something wrong or not but if anyone has any answers please tell me!


You're doing alright my friend!!!

Alrighty thank you! Was it removed or something or was i just day dreaming?


Nah, it's still there.

Do you know the route to get it??? If you dont or its too long to type thats no problem I can try to find it for myself


This may help


It's all the best choices for all route tho. Just pic Gil's then there you go

Hey... since Talbot is some kind of shark, does he... have two penises ?!

well based on what i saw on some shark furries then maybe :D

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M pretty sure it's pronounced Coke not Coooooork... 🤣🤣🤣

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And another comment for Andy mostly.

I think it'd just be easier to release routes based on popularity or if not then whatever story fits best. I think you must know most people tend to do all the routes (I am) and it is nice piecing the puzzle of Walter's past. If it makes more sense to have a less popular bara have their update so the story is easier to piece together then go for it especially if it makes things easier for you. Otherwise youre doing great to just release who is popular.  (Psssst! Was really hoping for a Gil update this month! He's my fav XD).

Keep up the good work! Would love to support you with patreon but heh the country I live in disabled it for NSFW material.

Is anyone having a glitch problem when clicking to go to next text and it starts rewinding on you? Im getting that and IDK what is causing it. It's been in every version I have ever downloaded. Maybe I should just chuck the whole thing + the %appdata% files? Or is it like that for everyone?

Dude have you already disabled Rollback Side in the option Menu?

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If you're pertaining to Walter himself, we really don't know. But the 'Past' is something, and the Wayfinder compass did something over there. We know it's tragic because of how Lars and coach Gil tries to hide ot from us now, and we also know that Mark's brother died from the incident (which I personally like to think). I guess more will be revealed from the upcoming days or episode even.

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This would probably become a spoiler for some new readers.

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Oh and another, this might easily be missed but I guess Herbert is spying Walter.

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It's all in Mark's episode, he saw a person similar with Walter's look when he first came to Highwell, as well as at the park. He even contacted Walter where he is, and he replied he's in school. 

Although, these are pretty much speculation, Herbert's arrival is intended by their parents. Or atleast I want to think of

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I dunno if Andy's secret tapes contain anything to cover some lore, maybe try looking onto those as well

Well the obvious parts is something tragic happened. No one who was there wants to bring it up. What could have caused his amnesia is still a mystery. Could be head trauma or it could be emotional trauma. Considering he had to stay home and recover I am going with something physical. / I do find the ~8 year age difference a bit weird between Walter and the non student cast. However that could be another clue to what happened in his past considering not many situations come up where kids and teens are just eft unattended and could get hurt. Perhaps a kind of boy scouts or camping trip? / I believe we might get more info on days 9 and 10 especially since the beach trip has lead to Walter uncovering more about his past and repressed memories resurfacing to the point where he is now aware this might not be the first time he has met this cast of friends. Be patient. More will be revealed soon enough.

Actually, I agree about camping trip, but I remember (not really sure) one of the characters likes to climb mountains. 

So, Maybe the accident happened around the mountains...

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Oh... This is the most thing that I've been waiting for . Sharing theories and opinions. Until you find something unexpected :)

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Thank you for the warm welcome :3. I will read it more often than reply it, because sometimes I don't get the context.... LOL

Oh yeah I almost forgot. On Lars route update, I just play his route from the last Andeh Hiatus (day 7),  I'm sure I missed a few things (because I didn't pay much attention to the changelog). Any idea what should I check on that update?

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(1 edit)

Okay noted. 

It's okay, I don't really Care about how fast or slow you reply. Most importantly, you answered my question... XD

(5 edits)

It sounds like they all went out to a cliff (Probably Parker's idea since he's a guilty lil fuk), something went wrong, and Mark's brother ended up dying and Walter got hurt. I think Herbert also says what happened to Mark's brother was Walter's fault which I'm kinda inclined to believe since Walter is lowkey unhinged. I'm wondering whether or not he yeeted a kid or if it was an accident.

Then there's the weird identity thing that kinda implies Walter yoinked his identity from his twin. Like, the weird scene with Talbot, Walter's name changes to Herbert backwards or something like that when he's being unhinged. And the dream in Parker's route where Dream Walter calls Walter "Herbert" and asks how long hes going to keep lying to himself when he denies being him.

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Talbot stuff happens in Lars Day 8 and I think the dream stuff happens in the 2nd half of Parker's Day 7.

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I have to agree with your opinion on the weirdness identity...

Did herbert forget his identity or did Herbert and Walter accidentally exchanged their spirits like in the anime Kimi No Na Wa? 

(Sorry for the wild theory)

(2 edits)

But the weird thing is, based on Gil's route day 7, Walter and Herbert became distant after the accident. Maybe neither Walter nor Herbert doesn't want to take responsibility for the accident?

And how in Mark's episode, he saw someone who looked like Walter even before Walter came to Highwell. Maybe Herbert knew their childhood friends now live Highwell (especially at Highwell University) and somehow convinced Walter's parents to let Walter move out to Highwell to make Walter remember the accident? 

edit: minor Gil's day 8 spoiler down below

This could explain the hooded figure on Gil's day 8, "This voice, is it really him??". Maybe it's Herbert trying to spy on Walter in case he remembers anything and takes the blame on Walter?

(again all of this is a wild guess lmao)

(2 edits)

My theory on Herbert and Walter's relationship is that Walter and Mark were best friends while Herbert was best friends with Mark's brother. Herbert blamed Walter for his best friend's death and that's what caused them to become distant. Now Herbert is sneaking around Highwell and messing with all the guys to possibly turn them against Walter or something like that for revenge. **Gil Day 8 Spoilers** 

If he is gonna turn them against Walter, he might tell Gil some unsavory truths about him to do so at the end of his Day 8. Though I'm p sure most of them are somewhat aware of that Walter's kinda "off" just from Mark and Parker getting worried and visibly upset when he tells them he was told he moved like he had some fighting experience.

ah, this makes more sense

I want to play Gil day 8 now even more since it pushed the backstory even more aaaaaaa

It looks there lots of thing to unpack.

The person who gave Walter the pendant must be Lars I believe since they have the same pendant.

Every characters seemed to know each other as their childhood friends.

Like Mark, his brother, Walter and his twin, there's a connecting with them for sure. I still dont get the revenge thing they mentioned. And who's the mysterious guy that keep pushing Mark to get his brother revenge? 

Walter keeps getting flashbacks of his childhood moments, but it doesn't help me abit... Haha

Again I can't seem to put everything into 1 piece. The connection right now is just all over the place 🤣

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I can't believe that Gilbert hasn't got updated and Anders is next possibly

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I would say Mr. Parker if not for some of the stuff that happens with him so I'm gonna say Gil instead. The other characters just beat around the bush too much, Gil feels refreshing like that. Solid 3rd place for Lars not far behind either of them.

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Of course it must be  Parker. I don't know for sure, but I like his innocence and humor (daddy's joke or something). I'm also interested in big guys.

What about you?

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Lars. Why? He really relates me in some way. He can cook which is I am learning now. He majors biology, which is a general branch in natural science that I am interested in. Lastly, he's caring, and I like it plus he's cute when he smiles.

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A lot of enthusiasm I see there, lol😆

Here's my taste:

1- Mr. Parker: we gotta love some big hunky teacher, the fact that he's so dumb behind with technology gives me a happy smile every time I read through the story. 🥰

2- Mark: The way he acts towards Walter in a mysterious way. I still can't seem to read his character/mind and his intentions towards Walter yet... Gotta need more side stories of him. He's like a riddle to solve... 😑

3- Lars: aww this big kitty... Aggressive but kind of a softie. His character/story is just straightforward... again I also want more of his side stories of why he went broke. 😁

4- Coach Gil: this freaking dog is Horny as hell (in a good way). You need to have 1 hornball dog around to make things a little bit spicy. 🤣

5- Anders: sorry big bull that you ended up last on the list. Myself is quite a lone person. I can't bear to be with someone who seems as quiet as him. That would be awkward as hell. 🤧

Haha I forgot to mention about Mr. Thornton, he's even hotter than Mark. He's a dream daddy. lol

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Yeah because Mr. Rai Thornton reminded me of a Tiger name Tai... Haha sorry to even drag that name in here. They are both so similar in the way they talk. Either way, I love them both equally. 🤣

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Let's just say I have a soft and weak spot for bear...

I mean... look at this beautiful sexy bear!!! 😁


OMG, I love this part too. But have you seen the latest update? For me the last scene is very "something" to me. I even can't put words on it. lol


Omg yes!!!! The last moments in Parker day 8! Sad that he left... 

Parker route is really tricky, but I LOVE IT!!!

He's so sweet!


I enjoy every moment of that. I've already gone through Mr. Parker' day 8. 

Keep hoping that we're be able to access to even day 9, 10 , 11... Etc.

I gotta say that I'm being impatient right now for the upcoming contents... 🤧

hahahaha indeed!

The "tension" on the routes is killing me!!! (If you caught my drift XD) 

And some others, like in Lars (with the creepy phone call, besides the end of the day 8 Hehe) really makes me want to dig as soon as possible the whole route!


Creepy phone call?? I don't get it, what is it about?


I know how it feels, but it will still take us a long time to play it, buddy.


Lars came at the most inopportune time...

tbh, I'm a little annoyed with this part... lol


I can't decide which is better for Parkers day eight sick or not sick that is the question

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Me gustaria que lo hicieran al español ya que mi ingles no es muy fluido y el traductor le quita algo de su toque :( pero bueno cada cosa a su tiempo

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